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Some small bananas wonderfully restore forces after heavy day of work, lighten mood and even provide a deep and quiet sleep. Bananas contain the most important vitamins of group B, E, micro and macrocells, cellulose. And the vitamin C containing in one small banana, quite suffices to receive a day portion. * Potassium – for heart and vessels Bananas can be ranked safely and as leaders by amount of potassium which plays huge role in continuous work of heart, feeding and strengthening a cardiac muscle – a myocardium, and still supports a tone and elasticity of vessels, saving the person from dangerous pressure jumps. * Cellulose – for intestines Perfectly banana and that who wasn't really lucky with intestines helps: a large amount of cellulose not only works as soft laxative, but also acts as the peculiar "whisk" clearing walls of intestines of any stuff. * Serotonin – for good mood If the melancholy attacked, haunt and deprive of a dream everyday problems – you don't hurry in a drugstore behind energizers, and walk on fruit ranks of the nearest market or a supermarket. There for certain there will be a small cluster of bananas – ripe, in small brown specks. 1-2 bananas a day – and melancholy as didn't happen. * Bananas for kids The African and Arab mothers very long time ago noticed that their kids sleep peacefully all night long if before going to bed to give them a little banana mashed potatoes with milk – chest or usual. It is all about the same to the serotonena which soothingly and weakening affects children's nervous system, improving quality of a dream. * Hypostases Banana tea – excellent medicine from the hypostases arising because of heart troubles, kidneys and vessels: it is simple to make the banana crushed to mashed potatoes in a big cup and to drink, taking a sip gradually that by the end of day all drink was drunk. * Burns and skin inflammations To peel the banana washed up in hot water, to put a peel to a burn or the inflamed place inside where fibrous and not so tasty threads are visible, and to eat pulp – surely with pleasure that the effect was more noticeable. To hold such mask minutes 20, and then it is simple to throw out. * Anemia Quickly to get rid of anemia, it is necessary to eat bananas – at least a couple in day. * Hypoglycemia Sharp falling of level of sugar in blood or constantly its low level – an occasion is bananas. The sweet banana pulp instantly improves a state and gives to cheerfulness. * Exhaustion The special advantage to the become thin and weakened people is brought by dried bananas: they are extraordinary high-calorie, are easily and completely acquired, and therefore quickly put on feet after serious illnesses and malnutrition. * Banana from a hangover Gathering for a friendly sit-round gathering, reasonably stock up with a couple of bananas and a milk glass: having shaken up them together a mixer, you receive next morning fine cocktail which will very quickly put you on feet and will encourage. * Locks This delicate problem is quite successfully solved if to regale every day on one-two bananas: they softly are a purgative, improve a vermicular movement of intestines and do departure of natural needs easy and regular. Bananas are useful also to at whom locks it isn't observed: prevention – a great cause. * Banana cosmetologist Pulp of banana and fibrous part of "wrong side" of its peel – the excellent means toning and nourishing skin. Expensive creams on a pocket not to each woman, and the cluster of bananas is both a dessert, and an effective cosmetic mask for different types of skin. Mask for fat, pimpled skin Eat bananas are a tasty medicine!
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