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Useful vitamin supplements in shampoos

When washing hair it is added in shampoo A, B, PP, C, B12 vitamins in ampoules (are on sale in a drugstore).
Hair become very brilliant, with a magnificent volume.

Vitamins B ampoules, in the whole bottle of shampoo it isn't necessary to add because I pound any won't be, vitamin C, for example, only 20 minutes on air live.

And to do so:
B a cup to pour shampoo (two times to soap) it is possible to add vitamins (all at once) by the way and separately, we mix and we wash the head. When we soap the second time, we leave shampoo on hair of minutes on 5, then we wash away. After the first time you will notice that volume became simply magnificent that hair one many smaller began to drop out.


Category: Beauty and personal care | Added by: Chance23 (12.07.2014)
Views: 585 | Rating: 5.0/1

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