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We clean hypostases under eyes

Found hypostases under eyes? As usually since morning at us there isn't a lot of time for reduction of in an order, it is necessary to be able to apply effective make-shifts. What it is possible to use?

First of all, under eyes ice will help to clean hypostases. Wipe ice cubes skin round eyes, but do it very accurately. Move at first from a nose bridge to external edge of an eye (under eyebrows), and then from a temple to a nose (under eyes). Be not overzealous: your eyes shouldn't freeze.

It is even better to prepare ice cubes from broth of leaves of parsley. In general, parsley is good for fight against hypostases of eyes in different types: it is possible to use the frozen greens, juice from fresh leaves or gruel from small cut roots. Them put on area round eyes and leave minutes on twenty. But in whatever look you used parsley, before application it is better to cool it a little for effect strengthening.

Also at tendency to hypostases of eyes it is in advance possible to prepare infusion from birch leaves. For this purpose a grass crush, fill in with water and leave at ten o'clock. Do lotions with infusion on the swelled up a little area within 10-15 minutes.

As hypostases express medicine under eyes it is possible to apply and crude potatoes. Clear from it a peel and take notice some thin circles of skin around.

The light massage is useful to elimination of hypostases under eyes: some minutes clap on skin small pillows of fingers.

Certainly, you won't get off with one express medicines from hypostases of eyes, especially, if they arise regularly. In that case it is worth doing also periodically useful house masks on skin round eyes.
For example, take identical quantity of pulp of a cucumber and pumpkin, add a little flower honey and put mix on a face on a quarter of hour. Such mask will improve a condition of skin in general, and in particular - will prevent emergence of hypostases under eyes.

One more effective mask from hypostases under eyes consists of mix of olive oil and an egg yolk. Try to use regularly it and be convinced that puffiness will significantly decrease.

The ancient recipe on the basis of a buckwheat flour will help to clean hypostases under eyes to you: slightly dry buckwheat on a frying pan, process and add in the received flour of warm water. Knead not really cool dough and create from it couple of flat cakes which then put under eyes of minutes on twenty.

If emergence of hypostases under eyes is connected with venous or lymphatic developments of stagnation, acupressure by east technique to shiayets will help to improve a condition of an organism. Adopt the convenient provision, relax and do some exercises.
- place index, average and anonymous fingers along edge of an eye-socket so that finger-tips were directed to an eyebrow. Press three times (nails shouldn't rest against skin);
- place a forefinger on bottom edge of an eye-socket and several times move them from top to down, slightly pressing on skin.
- place thumb small pillows on an eyelid and easily press on skin within 10 seconds.


Category: Beauty and personal care | Added by: Chance23 (21.06.2014)
Views: 569 | Rating: 5.0/1

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