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How it is correct to brush teeth to children?

From what age children need to start brushing teeth?
At the child it is worth thinking of questions of hygiene of an oral cavity, when to your kid in 6–7 months when the first teeth are cut through. From this point the child can start brushing teeth after food. It is for this purpose rather simple to wipe them the napkin moistened with boiled water. Thus, the child gets used to feeling of a pure mouth. Somewhere since a year the child can already start brushing teeth a children's toothpaste without content of fluorine.

How to brush teeth to the one-year-old child?
To understand how it is correct to brush teeth to children, very important. Using children's paste, don't worry if the child swallows it, – it tasty and harmless. However you watch that it didn't become at it a habit. When you start brushing teeth to the child, be accurate. Remember that his gums still very soft, and teeth fragile therefore toothbrushes for children choose only with a soft bristle. The head it shouldn't cover more than two teeth.

We fulfill equipment
As well as at adults, at clarification of external and internal surfaces of teeth a brush 45 degrees dispose to tooth at an angle and make sweeping-out movements from a gum to edge of tooth. For clarification of a chewing surface the brush settles down horizontally and moves roundabouts. If you are afraid to be overzealous — watch video as it is correct to brush teeth. To you will explain and will visually show as it has to be. Video how to brush teeth to the child, it is possible to study all family. Besides, also it will be interesting to your kid to watch the animated film how brush teeth to other children.

How to teach the child to brush teeth voluntarily?
When you start brushing teeth to the child, tell him about how this procedure is useful to his teeth. If the fear or unwillingness at the child don't pass, look together at pictures as it is correct to brush teeth. Bright examples convince better than words. During cleaning that the child wasn't capricious, with him it is possible to play the game "Who Will More Long Clean Teeth". If game becomes rather fascinating, the child himself will wait for that time when it will be necessary to brush teeth. Independently child starts mastering hygienic procedures aged from two years. On the example explain and show how correctly it is necessary to brush teeth. Use that at this age children with pleasure repeat movements of adults and imitate of. Also you shouldn't forget that the child needs to brush teeth in the morning and in the evening.

How many it is necessary to brush teeth?
2–3 minutes are enough to brush milk teeth. It is norm, both for adults, and for children. If your child doesn't maintain so long — try to turn toothbrushing into game as I advised above as simple arrangements hardly will help. In order that the child had only pleasant impressions about procedure, try to do it, say, under children's songs. Also try to explain, how many once a day it is necessary to brush teeth. And summing up our conversation, try to cultivate in the child aspiration to look after the teeth, in the future it, undoubtedly, will well affect not only their beauty, but also on health.


Category: Children's health | Added by: Chance23 (12.07.2014)
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