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Thanks to advertizing on television, perhaps, everyone already knows that in our organism there is a so-called acid-base balance (рН) which is desirable for supporting at a certain level. And so, products can also be divided on alkaline and acid that is caused by their final impact on reaction (рН) blood. If (рН) your blood inclines in the acid party, it provokes emergence and further development of inflammatory processes in all organism. In case of inducement in the alkaline party, there is a fast recovery and start of processes of self-restoration. All fresh, and the most important, ripe vegetables, greens and fruit are alkaline. Give shortly list especially alkaline fruit: pear, melon, persimmon, water-melons. As for acid fruit, it is pineapple, a kiwi, apples and plums, in turn, to neutral it is possible to carry bananas, peaches, apricots, grapes, etc. The interesting fact that the lemon oxidizing a mouth, at hit in a stomach, strangely enough, causes alkaline reaction. Thus, it can safely be ranked as products alkalizing our organism. The couple of words wants to be told about honey. For everything its curative properties, extraordinary sweet taste and delightful aroma are perfectly known. Besides, honey is the high-calorific product consisting of simple carbohydrates, quickly acquired by our organism. Therefore, we easily receive from it energy. But as they say, everything is good moderately. The matter is that practically for 80% medical consists of various sugars: fructose, glucose and sucrose. Therefore abuse of this magnificent product can lead to strong oxidation of an organism. To use medical it is necessary in the small portions. And it is even better to replace it with flower pollen as they advance medical according to the content of useful substances in general. Moreover, in them absolutely there is no sugar. And in the conclusion something on a note. For certain you know that in the nature there are two types of carbohydrates difficult and simple (or so-called fast). The products consisting of difficult carbohydrates it, as a rule, all grain and bean, and also vegetables mainly starchy – corn and potatoes. As for simple carbohydrates, such as fructose, sucrose, etc., that can be received them, constantly using in food fruit and berries. And so, thanks to the simplicity such carbohydrates very quickly and directly in a mouth are acquired, by means of a saliva, then directly getting to blood. Therefore try food consisting mainly from simple carbohydrates longer to detain in a mouth before full dissolution, carefully mixing with a saliva!
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