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Drink from a turmeric

It is very useful, it is tasty and simple in preparation.

To take a bag of a yellow turmeric. In 50 grams of small powder of a turmeric to add twice more water and to part to a condition of gruel, to a consistence of liquid sour cream. To put it on fire and at continuous stirring to cook 5-7 minutes. Dense paste of brown color will turn out.

After this mix will cool down, to shift it in a glass jar and to put in the refrigerator. Usually such quantity just on a course suffices (a course of 40 days once a year). Before going to bed to boil a milk glass, to add in it a teaspoon of paste of a turmeric and 1/4 teaspoons of almond oil - according to the recipe 2 tablespoons of oil, but it is very fat! Almond oil is on sale in drugstores or in shops of dietary, healthy or vegansky food. To put a teaspoon of honey in a mouth and to wash down with a glass of gold milk.

Very tasty. After such evening milk a dream, as at the baby, a full pacification and tranquillity.


Category: Diets and healthy nutrition | Added by: Chance23 (14.06.2014)
Views: 543 | Rating: 5.0/1

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