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It is well-known that a root so unpleasant for many word "obesity" is the word "fat". Carbohydrates: advantage or harm? Carbohydrates – the main component of quite wide range of the products included in a daily diet of the person. Dairy products and bean, vegetables and rice, bakery products, grain and even meat comprise molecular chains of carbohydrates. In chemistry and medicine it is accepted to subdivide all carbohydrates on difficult (more than three sugars interconnected among themselves), and the simple carbohydrates which are better known, as glucose, a dextrose, sucrose and fructose. There is quite popular belief in advantage difficult and harm of simple carbohydrates. But whether so it? During the last researches conducted by professional nutritionists, the inaccuracy of the similar statement was established: the human body practically doesn't distinguish types of carbohydrates and makes their identical splitting on the most clear component for it – the glucose distributed on cages by means of insulin. The excess amount of glucose in connection with insulin is transformed to numerous stocks of unused energy, or simply fats. This opening led to the invention of a new way of classification of carbohydrates which basis was formed by a so-called glycemic index. This size determines the speed of increase of level of sugar and speed of its comprehensibility by an organism. The glycemic index also became that the size which defines communication between consumption of carbohydrates and obesity: the products possessing a high glycemic index, are the main reason of uncontrollable obesity. Low-carbohydrate diet: features Basic purpose of a low-carbohydrate diet is use of own stocks of unspent energy (fats) already saved up by an organism that promotes reduction of production of insulin, and, as a result, fatty layers in an organism self-destruct. Leaders among the products having minimum content of carbohydrates, are greens and vegetables, seafood and mollusks. Meat belongs to low-carbohydrate products (a bird, veal, rabbit flesh) and fish (a trout, a herring, a cod, a catfish, a tuna, a flounder) also. Strangely enough, efficiency of a low-carbohydrate diet is equated to a complete starvation – in a week in both cases the identical amount of fats is spent. And after all the low-carbohydrate diet for growing thin at all doesn't limit the growing thin person in consumption of calories: to see real results, it is enough to adhere to only several rules: 1 . It is necessary to forget about products which in the course of production underwent technological processing. 2 . Sugar (table), fructose (sweet fruit), treacle, the malt and corn syrup, the concentrated fruit juice and lactose – are forbidden to the use. 3 . The special attention should be paid to products on which packing there is a mark about absence in their composition of sugar. As a rule, these products have the high content of carbohydrates. 4 . It is necessary to forget and about the bread made of a flour of white grades. 5 . Water, and once again water. Daily consumption cleared, thawed or mineral (without gas) waters has to make not less than 1,5 liters. 6 . During a low-carbohydrate diet it is necessary to accept potassium, linseed oil, selenium, group B vitamins. Low-carbohydrate diet: options As well as many diets for the growing thin, allowing the use of quite extensive range of products, the low-carbohydrate diet has some versions of the menu. Strict low-carbohydrate diet Limiting the amount of the consumed carbohydrates is exclusive, this low-carbohydrate diet doesn't belong to the programs nullifying the general daily caloric content of the menu (that is – it isn't considered "hungry"). Nevertheless, restrictions nevertheless exist: the daily norm of the "eaten" carbohydrates shouldn't exceed 60 grams, and alcohol, fruit and fruit juice – are categorically forbidden. Such option of a low-carbohydrate diet is calculated on 1-2 weeks during which it is possible to relieve the organism from 5-8 kilogram of excess weight. The morning menu of this diet consists of grapefruit, 50 grams of bread (dark), cheese (30 grams) and black coffee (tea). During the lunchtime the low-carbohydrate diet recommends to diversify the diet with haricot, cottage cheese (the fat-free, 200 grams), 50 grams of bread (dark) and coffee (tea). The evening menu isn't rich (a diet after all strict): vegetables, fish or meat (fast, 100 grams), tea (coffee). Approximate day menu of a usual low-carbohydrate diet Morning: 3 eggs, 1/2 green apples, cottage cheese (the fat-free, 200 grams). Breakfast No. 2: veal (rabbit flesh, a game) – 300 grams, cucumber and tomato salad in which it is possible to add vegetable oil (1 spoon). Dinner: The dinner menu completely repeats the menu of the second breakfast. Evening: fish (or 5 eggs instead of it), cottage cheese (the fat-free, 250 grams).
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