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Tasty, useful and nutritious almond milk

The almonds a rich source of vitamins and minerals, positively affect cardiovascular system, normalize a metabolism and improve sight. The last researches found one more advantage of this product: the daily use of almonds promotes development of useful bacteria in a gastrointestinal path which improve digestion.

The almonds contain minerals (magnesium, zinc and iron) both vitamins B and E - the natural antioxidants helping with fight against heart diseases. Almonds also good source of calcium.

It is required.
1/2 glasses of almond nuts (previously killed at 10-12 o'clock, it is possible to fill in simply with boiled water for some minutes, then they are very easily cleared of a peel), 4 glasses of water, 2 tablespoons of honey, a salt pinch to taste.

* B a blender shake up all ingredients to a uniform consistence. 

* Take a volume dish and the gauze put several times. 

* Filter blender contents, at the same time squeezing out milk. Before the use it is possible to cool. To store in the refrigerator no more than three days.

Can drink just like that, can use for fruit cocktails, can even wash to them!

On a note.
It is possible to make of the remained cake, for example cookies.
On 300 grams of almond cake 1 egg or 1 banana (to knead a fork), sugar or honey to taste. To mix, a spoon to spread out to a baking sheet flat cakes and to bake at a temperature of 170 ° 15 minutes (if in structure egg) and 25 minutes if in structure banana.


Category: Diets and healthy nutrition | Added by: Chance23 (05.07.2014)
Views: 568 | Rating: 5.0/1

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