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The best products to satisfy small hunger

The working day, image and life rhythm at all people the different.  To support itself in shape, to watch over health sometimes happens very difficult. 

We offer you the list of products it is better for them to give preference at the first signs of hunger.

1. Apples

They contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Besides, this simple fruit - irreplaceable sources of flavonoids and polyphenols which, in turn, are powerful antioxidants.

2. Bananas

Contain potassium, and it supports a blood pressure at necessary level and well influences warm activity of an organism. One banana in day will be enough.

3. Red pepper

It is vitamin-rich And and With which provide and support beauty of skin.

4. Natural black chocolate

The most powerful antioxidant, power source and good mood. However, you shouldn't be fond. Even good grades contain sugar therefore don't exceed the portion of happiness equal to 70 гр of chocolate in day.

5. Pumpkin sunflower seeds

Contain magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamin K, proteins. All these components increase working capacity. The main thing that a workplace, the schedule of work and corporate style of your office allowed similar having a snack.

6. Carrots

Crackling and useful, it contains a huge amount of cellulose, improves sight and gives to skin a subtle golden shade of suntan. You don't trust — check, start crackling and having a bite carrot.

7. Green salad

Source of vitamins and minerals which are extremely quickly digested and acquired by an organism. Besides, for a long time not a secret that vegetables of green color — the best allies in fight with extra kilos.

8. Pineapple

It is also well and quickly acquired, and besides promotes organism clarification. Council — eat pineapple next the heart and don't combine with other products. By the way, the same rule extends and on a melon.

9. Herbal tea

Not absolutely habitual product for having a snack, however perfectly wins against feeling of hunger and helps to behave with a tone if you keep to a diet. Drink tea at the first signs of hunger and grow thin correctly.

10. Dried fig

Splendidly clears blood. If you buy forgings in supermarkets, attentively read labels that it was without addition of sugar or aromatic components. The fig in itself contains sugar therefore eat in day of 5-6 features, no more.


Category: Diets and healthy nutrition | Added by: Chance23 (05.07.2014)
Views: 496 | Rating: 5.0/1

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