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Water - the main element of healthy nutrition We will talk about important functions of water. Contrary to, for a long time to the opinion which has taken roots in our head that the main source of energy for our organism is food, mainly carbohydrates, scientists proved long ago that water is also capable to develop energy in our organism. Water underestimation as power source is one of the main reasons of accumulation of fat on our body. Why? As we already spoke, muscular fibers use energy of ATP for the work, all other cages of our organism just as also muscular fibers contain the molecules of ATP loaded with energy which they use for the activity. Water, during assimilation by an organism just as also the food is capable to develop energy. The water-main power source for an organism. When water gets into a cage, it not only delivers food in a cage, but also develops hydroelectric energy which is capable to load ATP molecules, in the same way as energy of food. While the organism receives enough of water, cages are constantly loaded and perform the work most effectively but as soon as the organism is dehydrated, as a result of insufficient water inflow, a cage give the energy reserved in molecules of ATP, i.e. they start it spending, without recharge. Respectively lack of energy, "a sluggish state", fatigue forces us to feel thirst which very often all confuse to hunger. And people instead of starting drinking water which is required to an organism, simply start eating and giving energy with food. The more we eat instead of using the water, that more cages start depending on the energy delivered with food, and the more difficult to us to distinguish thirst and hunger. The difference of these two power sources is that water is easily removed from our organism with urine, besides it deletes the processed waste. And here the excess food which we consume, it won't be able to be brought out of an organism any more as water, and all superfluous, eaten by us, will go to fatty stocks. Most of all work of cells of a brain depends on energy of water. Our brain is the main center operating all motive functions, distribution functions, and also thinking, memory, attention, etc. On all these processes our brain constantly needs energy, and in case of its shortage, the brain right there sends a signal of the requirements, it sends a signal - thirst. This signal extends not only in the form of dryness in a mouth as many consider, for example, absence of attention, says that the brain doesn't have enough energy, and it simply disconnects thought processes. In the same way the feeling of fatigue, weakness, slackness too says that the brain doesn't have enough energy and water is necessary to it. And here the trap to which many people get, is that the fastest power source for brain work, after water are the carbohydrates containing sugar. As you know, by councils of people - to lift energy can eat something sweet. And so, the brain of the person forces it to last to sweet when it doesn't have enough energy. Sugar in blood, is capable most quicker than other nutrients, except for water, to give necessary energy to cells of a brain, and those people who don't know about a water role, come across in this trap and start eating simply. It also is the main mistake! Mistake which involves accumulation of excess fatty stocks. At the disposal of a brain there are only 20% of circulating blood, and respectively only 20% of the carbohydrates eaten by you will arrive in a brain, other 80% will be sent to fat. As the brain needs constant energy for all the functions, it will constantly demand it, and the more often you will meet its requirements, consuming carbohydrates, instead of water, the there will be more probability of that you will accumulate excess fat. Water has absolute advantage since all superfluous is easily removed with urine, besides water is capable to bring a brain into a normal state since assimilation of food requires much more time much quicker. Water straight arrives in a brain and much quicker brings it into a normal state. When you will start consuming water enough, at you thirst for the products containing sugar, i.e. for carbohydrates will automatically be gone there will be a desire to consume proteinaceous food, besides as it to you is necessary for athletes more. But certainly you won't be able to exclude carbohydrates completely too from the diet since they first of all are necessary for work of muscles as well for maintenance of some other the vital functions. The food has to fill the dissipated stocks of our organism only. Water is the main component of all cages of our organism. Our cages consist for 80% of water and for 20% from all other components and as we already mentioned that productivity of cages will depend on that on how many well you support their life. The cage can't exist without water for one simple reason, all activity of cages happens in water and to its participation. Cytoplasm of a cage represents the liquid environment comprising all making cages, in other words the cage is the ball filled with water in which there is all cellular life. 1 . You don't receive water in enough Soda and coffee aren't considered. Though they also are liquids, actually, caffeine in both drinks is capable to increase liquid loss by strengthening of education and urine allocation. When it happens, the organism starts reserving water. The usual common sense prompts us that 6-8 glasses of water - quantity, sufficient within one day. If you intensively are engaged, you need more liquid. In this case it is necessary on the average half-gallon-gallon (1 gallon = 3,8 liters) in day, depending on preparation level. 2 . Water clears an organism of toxins Water washes away toxins and other final products of a metabolism from an organism. Water is especially important if you adhere to a diet with high protein content as helps to remove excess of nitrogen, urea (toxic substance). If you eat much to gain weight, you need more water. It you will help your kidneys to perform the work better. 3 . Water helps to metabolize fat At an insufficient amount of water, kidneys can't work properly. When the such happens, a large number consumed by you arrives in a liver. The liver turns the "postponed" fat into energy. But when the liver performs work of kidneys, it burns less fat. And among other things, water reduces feeling of hunger. 4 . Water reduces moisture deduction In a section to a popular belief, the use of water can really help you to get rid of excessive "water" weight. When waters arrives a little, the organism sees shortage and starts accumulating water. This water is stored in extracellular areas. In other words, your skin looks sluggish and swelled. 5 . Water supports the bodybuilder in shape Too small amount of water, and your organism takes away it from other bodies, such as a large intestine. When the such occurs, you have a lock. Besides, water allows you to digest food better. It is especially right when you consume more than 4 000 calories per day. 6 . Water helps those who uses too much salt If the water delay - an eternal problem, maybe, is present at a diet too much salt. Than there is more than salt, that more organism tries to detain waters (to reduce concentration). Or reduce amount of accepted salt, or increase an amount of water. 7 . Water helps additives to work better Additives, such as creatine, work only partly as they detain water in cells of muscles owing to what conditions for increase in synthesis of the protein necessary for growth are created. That these processes happened properly, you need a lot of water. Besides, if you very intensively train, the main are necessary to you mega vitamins. Many vitamins are dissolved in water, and water opens their force. What water it is better to drink? The matter is that usual water which we consume, can't get into cages since molecules of such water exceed the size of openings in cages through which water and gets into them at once. Therefore before acquiring usual water, the organism at first should recycle it, to filter and make similar to that that flows in us. The composition of usual water differs from composition of water which flows in our organism and for this reason it should perform any work before acquiring usual water a little. We to you recommend to use thawed snow. Thawed snow is the clearest high-quality water which doesn't contain chlorides, the salts, harmful substances and connections. Thawed snow is formed as a result of thawing of ice and, therefore, previously has to be frozen. On property and structure, thawed snow differs nothing from water which flows in us, respectively such water instantly sates cages and much quicker gives to the person of forces and energy. If you don't want to use thawed snow then use filters for water purification. Preparation of thawed snow. 1 . The simplest way: To freeze unboiled water in the ordinary refrigerator - to pour a pan or a bowl and to put on a plywood or cardboard leaf in the freezer. After freezing to pull out and leave to thaw at the room temperature. 2 . This way gives the chance to remove a deuterium completely: When water starts freezing, remove just formed crust of ice. It is a deuterium, it freezes first of all. After the main will freeze Mas of water, rinse the stiffened piece under the crane a stream of cold water. The piece has to become transparent as water will remove harmful impurity from ice. Further melt ice and drink the received thawed snow. 3 . The third way consists in the following: A small amount of liquid heat to temperature of 94 - 96 degrees. Water doesn't boil yet, but already streams bubbles rise. At this moment a pan remove and sharply cool, then freeze and thaw water. The thawed snow prepared in such a way passes all phases of the circulation in the nature: it evaporates, cooled, freezes and thaws. This water is especially useful - it possesses huge internal energy. 4 . Fourth way: Water (if water, defended some hours for release from the dissolved gases) cool in the refrigerator before emergence of the first ice. This ice catch and throw out as in it those impurity concentrate that "prefer" a firm phase. The remained water freeze further while its most part (but not all) will turn into ice. This ice catch and use for designated purpose. The remained liquid pour out. as in it the impurity "preferring" a liquid phase concentrate. Losses approximately 5% at the beginning and 10% at the end. 5 . The cleared thawed snow It is very good method. Water not only gets characteristic structure, but also is perfectly cleared of many salts and impurity. For this purpose cold water maintain in a deep freeze (and in the winter - on a balcony) until its about a half won't freeze. In the middle of volume there is not frozen water which pour out. It is possible to pierce ice a pricker, having heated it on fire, or somehow to break - generally, anyway water should be removed. Ice leave to thaw. The main thing - experimentally to find time demanded for freezing of a half of volume. It can be both 6, and 16 hours. The idea is that at first clear water freezes, the majority of connections remains in solution. Remember sea ice which consists of almost fresh water though are formed on a surface of the salty sea. And if there is no household filter, such cleaning can subject all drinking water, porridges, soups, tea, without reckoning even with loss of part of curative force when heating. The enormous effect gives also only one release from unnecessary substances.
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