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Certainly, many will tell at once that it is one night better to eat nothing in general. But there is a wish if to eat, before going to bed it is possible to use the correct products. We will consider them. 1. Kefir glass for the night. If hunger rises, this one of the best means. Fat kefir - 56 Kcal on 100 grams. Low-fat kefir – 30 Kcal on 100 grams. Therefore, the kefir glass for the night will contain, respectively, 140 or 75 Kcal. 2. Grapefruit. Tasty also it is useful and not to be postponed in fat. It possesses, so-called "negative" or "minus" caloric content, that is the organism spends for its digestion, as much calories, how many contains in grapefruit. 3. Slice of fresh pineapple. It certainly luxury which not always near at hand, but perfectly satisfies hunger and it is low-calorie. 4. Apple. Here the main thing not to be overzealous, Apples cause feeling of hunger. 5. Handful of dried fruits. Especially if pulls on sweet at night, you will perfectly help out two - three slices of dried apricots or prunes. 6. Handful of nutlets. Certainly, nuts are very high-calorie, but the small portion of nutlets to you will help to bring down appetite! 7 . One banana. Cut it better and slowly, carefully chewing, eat on a slice. Hunger has to recede. 8. Boiled vegetables. The small plateau of boiled vegetables won't damage to your figure. Also you remember better to eat before going to bed above-mentioned products, than to rise at night and for hunger to eat pies, chocolate or other high-calorie products.
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