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Eat pomegranate

This fruit of attractive appearance can brag not only the exterior. Useful properties of pomegranate are concluded in each of its parts - in grains, partitions, a peel. Some useful qualities have even leaves and branches of a garnet tree.

Fruits of pomegranate are extremely saturated with vitamins and microcells, many of which quite seldom meet in vegetables and fruit. These are vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, P. Krom of iodine, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, there is a potassium, sodium, copper, manganese, sulfur, chrome, lithium. The set of amino acids, part from which can be found only in meat, strikes imagination with the quantity.

Such rich structure of substances necessary for us says that useful properties of pomegranate can first of all is comprehensive to strengthen our immunity and to be a strong prophylactic against a huge number of illnesses.

Natural juice of pomegranate can be used at atherosclerosis, anemia, a hypertension. It will help to strengthen walls of vessels, will protect from influence of free radicals, so contains a large amount of polyphenols which are antioxidants, along with vitamins A and E.

Thanks to a huge amount of vitamin C, garnet juice will help to cope with inflammatory diseases, burns, stomatitises, long chronic diseases quicker.
Garnet juice is capable to regulate exchange processes in an organism. To people, with the diagnosis - diabetes, recommend to accept daily small amount of freshly squeezed juice for decrease in level of sugar in blood.

Stones of pomegranate contain essential oils which possess property to regulate various hormonal violations, to remove a stress, headaches. Partitions of pomegranate and its peel in the crushed look can be used for treatment of colitis and diarrhea.

Unfortunately, treatment by pomegranate has some contraindications. With care it is necessary to use useful properties of pomegranate at the increased acidity of gastric juice and to people with stomach ulcer. In these cases it isn't necessary refusing pomegranate at all, it is possible to dilute simply natural juice with water concerning 1:3.

Thanks to rich composition of amino acids, grenades it can be widely used in food of the people professing vegetarianism. It can be applied as in the form of juice, and in the natural form as a part of various fresh salads and mixes.

Make pomegranate the constant guest on a table and many diseases won't concern you, and life will please with bright paints and fine health.


Category: Useful products | Added by: Chance23 (14.06.2014)
Views: 609 | Rating: 5.0/1

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