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The law of any living being that movement is life. But development of technologies and universal introduction of the computer compels the person moves less. Workers of a shovel and jackhammer were pressed by workers of a chair, the keyboard and a mouse. In group of risk not only programmers, designers, designers, but also ordinary office employees. All these professions hours-long low-mobility, plus unites now special attention which pours out in the raised nervous tension. The organism calculated by the nature on physical activity and unadapted on long static loading, starts glitching. Such diseases as osteochondrosis and a curvature of a backbone get the status of occupational diseases. To the greatest risk during the long sedentary work are subject, first of all, cervical and chest departments of a backbone - on them the main loading lays down. The back and neck muscles supporting the head and a back in vertical situation, test the increased tension - and a blood-groove in them at static loading, on the contrary, is lowered. That is even worse, intense muscles squeeze the nervous fibers leaving a spinal cord, breaking conductivity of nervous impulses. And as a result hands, a neck, a back start flowing or growing dumb after a while. If not to take any measures, osteochondrosis and other diseases of a backbone won't keep themselves waiting long. We offer you a complex of exercises for a backbone which can be done directly on a workplace, without rising from a chair and that is important, is almost imperceptible for people around. The basic rule - all exercises have to be carried out smoothly, at slow speed, without breakthroughs and sharp movements. It is desirable to carry out a complex at least two times a day, repeating each exercise till 10-20 times. 1 . "Pendulum". Turn the head on/against an hour hand, thus try to hold a nose tip the motionless. Repeat the same with the hung and highly raised head. 2 . Slowly turn the head to the left as it is possible further. Having reached a limit, cast away the head back, having felt an extension of muscles of a neck from the opposite side. Return to an initial position and repeat in other party. 3 . Hang the head down and try as if "to wipe" a chin about a breast. Throw back the head back, and make couple of rotary motions. 4 . "The Chinese little man". Put elbows on a table and connect hands in the lock. Put a chin on hands and incline the head to the left. Having reached a limit, add two-three nods in the direction of movement of the head. Repeat in other party. 5 . Straighten a backbone as if the soldier on command is "quiet", hands leave to lie on a table. Take away shoulders back, having as much as possible cramped shovels, and be late in this situation about a second or more. 6 . Lower hands down and relax them. Raise shoulders as it is possible above, feeling tension in trapezoid muscles. 7 . "String". Straighten a back, hands put on a table. Curve a back to the left sideways, then to the right, the head top thus has to remain motionless. Backbone movements thus remind movement of a vertical string. Except performance of the given complex of exercises, don't forget about the correct organization of a workplace. One of widespread mistakes is that the person holds elbows suspended. It is necessary to adjust chair height so that forearms it is freely weakened lay on a table. During the work as a mouse and typing hands in this case work at the keyboard only, and elbows aren't mobile. The center of the monitor has to settle down a little below than level of eyes, and the distance to it has to be not less a half a meter. Don't forget about the correct lighting - it isn't necessary to work in the darkened room or in the dark with the included desk lamp. Surely twice a day it is necessary to air the room since the radiation of the monitor promotes formation of positively loaded ions harmful to the person.
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