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Osteoporosis prevention.

Osteoporosis — chronically progressing system, exchange disease of a skeleton or the clinical syndrome which is showing at other diseases which is characterized by decrease in density of bones.

Progressing reduction of density of bone fabric, can begin at very early age.

Any person can have an osteoporosis practically. This disease affects bones of young and old people, men and women, but more meets at a female half of mankind. Such feature is explained by that at women, in comparison with men, bone weight is developed less. Besides, after menopause approach when formation of quantity of the estrogen which is responsible for processes of maintenance of density of bone fabrics decreases, rates of losses of bone weight considerably increase.

Process of weakening of bones can proceed very slowly, for a number of years and even decades. The majority of people even don't suspect about their existence of the organism. Most often, the diagnosis of such type of diseases is made to the person, after receiving a trauma when the doctor tries to establish the change reasons for the purpose of purpose of medical procedures on merging of bone fabrics.

• Usually, at the majority of people, the maximum density of bones is formed, for example, in a backbone by 25-30 years, and hips during the period from 35 to 40 years. After 45 years the age peak of density of bones in an organism starts decreasing.

Exist - whether measures for prevention and osteoporosis treatment?

The modern experts working in this area of medicine, claim that it is possible to prevent development of this disease not only by means of medicines which are appointed by the doctor, but also is independent in house conditions.

It is best of all to begin preventive actions for maintenance of density of bones from the moment of their age peak, but especially, it is necessary to pay it attention aged after 45 years.
Today the medicine has medicines and the medical equipment, allowing to suspend development of osteoporosis and considerably to improve a condition of the patient having this disease.

• However, it isn't enough of it. Each person has to like understanding that loss of density of bone fabric increases risk of traumatism, seriously worsens comfort of life and especially with age therefore it is necessary to pay attention to health of the bones constantly. For this purpose it is necessary to know well the reasons promoting destruction of bone fabric and in due time to eliminate or reduce extent of their negative impact.

To the factors increasing degree of risk of loss of density of bones and increase of their fragility, belong:
Unbalanced food
Low level of the concrete nutrients important for formation of bones (calcium, vitamin D, zinc, etc.).
Acid-forming diet
Inactive way of life. Lack of regular physical activity (walking, run, dances, aerobics, etc.)
Chronic stress
Use of low-quality pharmaceutical preparations for bones
Hereditary osteoporosis or other diseases of bones
Allergy to dairy products
Alcohol intake.
Chronic lack of calcium.

Natural improvement of bones.

Good nutrition

The food which is used by the person, has to be saturated minerals, vitamins, cellulose, fatty acids and other components.
When the organism doesn't receive that is necessary for it for ensuring vital processes in 60 trillion cells of a body, it takes away them from bones. It has an adverse effect on a mineral condition of bone fabrics and first of all, on amount of calcium.

• The daily diet has to be oriented on the use of fresh integral products of a phytogenesis, with moderate amount of animal protein. To a minimum the quantity of the processed (refined) products, white loaf, sugar, various additives and preservatives is reduced.

It is necessary to supplement food by the high-quality multi vitamins containing in optimum volumes of all 20 main components for construction of bone fabric that will allow to compensate all shortcomings of a diet.


As a source of calcium it is offered to use milk, cheeses with the low content of fat, sour-milk products and powdered low-fat milk which can be added in soups, to garnishes and drinks. One teaspoon of powdered milk contains the 50th milligram of calcium.

• For those who has no opportunity to receive calcium in enough by means of food. It is possible to compensate its shortcoming by means of calcium preparations.

Unfortunately, quality of similar preparations not always conforms to the declared requirements and therefore, they are rather badly acquired. To check their suitability to use, it is necessary to lower 2 tablets of calcium in 250 grams of vinegar and stirring slowly with a spoon every 2-3 minute, to wait 30 minutes. If tablets break up to small slices, it is quite probable that they will be dissolved and in a stomach. If the tablet of calcium isn't dissolved, you can not accept a preparation as the advantage of it won't be, and here, harm to an organism, is quite possible.

• Among other elements playing an important role in formation of bone fabric, have vitamins D and K, manganese, zinc and copper.

Vitamin D, is necessary for digestion of calcium, namely: it improves calcium absorption in intestines and increases a calcium reabsorption kidneys. The daily need for vitamin D is equal 400 ME, and after 65 years this norm increases twice. To receive this vitamin, it is possible using milk (in 200г milk contains 125 ME), some species of fish: salmon (in 125 tinned salmons 565 ME), sardines, a tuna.

Vitamin K influences realization of process of interrelation of calcium with a bone matrix with a growth of bone weight.
Don't eat too much meat. It doesn't mean that it is necessary to refuse the meat use completely. This restriction is explained by that became known today of a double role of protein of an animal origin. Such protein increases a calcium ekskretion more than increases its absorption, leading to excessive loss of calcium by an organism.

Limit consumption of table salt
As the increase in amount of consumed salt, increases sodium allocation, and the is more removed sodium, the more allocated also calcium. Decrease in level of calcium in blood, causes release of a parathyroid hormone which destroys a bone to restore calcium level.

Reduce coffee consumption
The set of the conducted researches showed that caffeine causes calcium loss, bringing him with urine. 2-3 cups of coffee a day won't do much harm, and here the bigger quantity can cause irreparable injury to health.

Add in bone broths a little vinegar 
Thanks to vinegar calcium will be dissolved and leaves bones. Only 0,5 liters of such soup it will be equivalent according to the content of calcium of 1 liter of milk.

Reduce the use of acid-forming food
The acid-forming food can break biochemistry of a body and then for ensuring alkalifying, the organism can address for minerals to bones. Though such situations also have short-term character, but nevertheless, in long-term prospect they rather strongly exhaust bone fabrics.

• To soften similar processes, it is necessary to include in food as much as possible vegetables (root crops and sheet green vegetables), fruit, a nut, sunflower seeds and spices, to use a fresh lemon or lime slices at preparation of dishes and drinks.

Give up smoking
The matter is that smoking of cigarettes lowers level of an estrogen that strengthens, especially at women, the risk is osteoporosis developments.

Limit alcohol intake
Numerous researches showed that alcohol slows down processes of formation of bone fabric. At alcoholics the lowest density of bones is revealed. Try to be limited to one glass of wine in day. Wine will strengthen walls of vessels and to dilute blood a little. But it is worth remembering that alcohol is contraindicated to people with chronic diseases.

Many researches conducted for studying of development of osteoporosis, showed that, the person who isn't engaged in strengthening of muscles of a body, especially quickly loses density of bones.

• Everyone who regularly carries out exercises, is engaged in aerobics, dances, run, walking, swimming, yoga and other types of physical preparation, involuntarily strengthens and increases muscular fabrics. This process causes blood supply activization and by that strengthens inflow of nutrients and to bone fabrics that promotes consolidation of bones and increase in their weight.

Certainly, to see at once notable positive results of trainings on a condition of bones it is possible to see seldom. But, to be convinced of correctness told about interrelation of trainings and bone weight, pay attention to the right forearm. For example, the tennis player, most likely, will have it much more, than a "passive" forearm. This visible proof of that if to load muscles and to subject bones to a stress, density and the size of these bones will increase.

• Begin strengthening of the bones through intense training. Increase time of long walks, register in occupations by yoga, thaw-chi, a chi kung, or dances. Remember that it needs to be made for health of bones.

Reduce traumatism degree in the house
It, perhaps, concerns those who already has serious violations in a condition of bone fabrics. The only alternative of medicinal therapy, for such people, precaution taking measures is to avoid falling.

• For this purpose follows: to clean all rugs from a floor not to falter; to provide good lighting, and at night to use a night lamp not to go in the dark; don't put furniture close as the place is necessary for maneuver; use a crutch or a cane if you feel uncertainly. Take care of the safety to keep the health.

Reduce a stress
The chronic stress causes to health a huge loss. It promotes increase in amount of acid in an organism. The condition of a stress can arise not only under the influence of modern life, it can provoke and events from the past which can be shown in new places in our life.

In a condition of a stress at the person the cortisol which makes the extremely harmful effects on bones is allocated in a large number.
Learn to relax. For this purpose it is possible to take weakening bath, to read alone on a sofa within an hour, to listen to favourite music, to go to memories of happy moments of life, etc. It needs to be made to stop loss of bone weight as probably the stress and is the main reason of weakening of bones.

• You love yourself, care of yourself, and it will help to live long and happy years of life.


Category: Fight against diseases and prevention of diseases | Added by: Chance23 (22.06.2014)
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