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Vitamins for immunity

Immunity is a system of bodies, fabrics and the cages which activity is directed on protection of an organism against pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, infections, tumoral cages, both from the outside, and inside. The full set of vitamins and minerals, however synthesis is necessary for formation of immune cages is yet all role of vitamins B immunity. There are vitamins which speed up work of immune system and accelerate response to emergence of any "malfunction" in an organism.

The immune system has no central body, its work happens on each millimeter of our body. For this reason, only those vitamins for immunity which have complex effect can be effective.

Let's consider, what vitamins are priority for immunity:

Vitamin A, first of all, is responsible for the "external" immunity which functions are carried out by an integument. Participates in synthesis of proteinaceous cages and antibodies. At its deficiency become constants of cold and infectious diseases.
Vitamin B in itself, of course, doesn't develop an antibody, but serves as an activator of all immune processes. All vitamins of group B are very important for immunity as they participate in proteinaceous and fatty exchanges, accelerate reaction of an organism to anti-genes, strengthen work of a thyroid gland, adrenal glands, do more effective performance of the most important function of immune cages – absorption and utilization of bacteria.
Vitamin C – the known participant of immune processes, is responsible for organism resilience before infections.
Vitamin E – participates in synthesis of immune cages, intensifies their response. At its deficiency frequent catarrhal diseases begin.

Whether you knew, what …?
The allergy is a failure of work of immune system. The organism doesn't cope with utilization of pathogenic bodies inside and snivels, sneezing, reddening of eyes is the first sign of that you need to maintain the immunity.

How to distinguish deficiency?
The best way to learn, what vitamins are at present necessary for your immunity, is to look narrowly at own symptoms:
antritis, cold, cold – to you are necessary PP, C, A, B vitamins;
problems with a stomach, an ulcer, gastritis – N, B2, B12;
flu, infections, badly heal wounds – A, E, C;
dryness of skin, itch, brittle hair – A and E;
uneven fat content of skin on various sites of a body – group B vitamins.

As it was spoken above, the full complex of vitamins is necessary for our immunity for the adjusted work. To us complex vitamin preparations for immunity will help to solve this problem.

For women there are three main vitamins for immunity:
A – without this vitamin our skin, hair and nails will grow old in the eyes. Vitamin A is also important for synthesis of antibodies.
Е – at deficiency the immune system of women will glitch, especially this vitamin is necessary for us during periods as during this period it is simplest to ache.
C – will protect us not only from viruses, but also from tumors.
There are two sources of vitamins: natural (food) and artificial (pharmaceutical preparations). Don't forget that for immunity you will find the best vitamins in fruit and vegetables, after all the organism itself will tell when will suffice.


Category: Fight against diseases and prevention of diseases | Added by: Chance23 (14.06.2014)
Views: 589 | Rating: 5.0/1

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