Fruit jelly – an optimum delicacy for our waist, allowing at the same time to keep symmetry and to derive pleasure from a cup of tea.
Fruit jelly structure.
Pectin, agar or gelatin are a part of fruit jelly surely:
As raw materials for receiving pectin apples, crusts of citrus fruits, water-melons, sugar beet, baskets of sunflowers serve.
Agar, or agar-agar – the natural product received from red and brown seaweed and forming in water solutions dense jelly.
Gelatin - mix of albumens of an animal origin which when heating form the sticky solution stiffening in jelly. Gelatin produce from bones, sinews, cartilages. by long boiling with water.
Also sakharo-patochny syrup, fruit juice, natural and artificial dyes and fragrances, granulated sugar or sugar substitutes are a part of fruit jelly for diabetic fruit jelly.
Fruit jelly is useful, because:
- fruit jelly – the low-calorie sweet which isn't containing fat;
- pectin – the real hospital attendant of an organism, it removes toxins and radionuclides, normalizes work of digestive system, reduces level of cholesterol in blood;
- the agar improves liver work, also clears an organism of toxins;
- gelatin makes salutary impact on a condition of skin and a hair.
It is possible to call fruit jelly sweet medicine, it "prescribe" people after a long illness, give out on harmful productions.