Everyone has bad habits. And some of addictions simply "kill" our health! We will consider, what addictions can be carried to the most dangerous.
1. Improper feeding
For a long time to all of us is known that the fact that the high-calorie food and food with small amount of vitamins, but containing many preservatives and dyes, harmful influences health and can lead to obesity and cardiovascular diseases.
2. Cigarettes, alcohol and power drinks
Smoking inevitably worsens the general condition of all organism, causing diseases of lungs and heart. Alcoholic beverages irrespective of fortress cause accustoming and kill an organism slowly, but is sure. By the way, alcohol is told through maternal milk to the child that involves accustoming to drinking yet not been born baby. And about energy drinks the producer says that anything good in them isn't present. 1 bank of an energy drink it is equal to 10 cups of the drunk-off strong coffee. Besides they cause accustoming and at their continuous use gradually do the person sluggish and sick.
3. Sleep debt
Sleep debt – one of the strongest enemies of health. The organism needs on the average 7 hours of a healthy sleep fully to function. The constant sleep debt can lead to obesity, promote diabetes or hypertension development.
4. Any kinds of drugs
Any narcotic substances, including "safest" at first sight (a grass, tablets), cause accustoming and destroy an organism. Besides the drug-addicted person often goes on a crime only for the sake of receiving the next dose. Diseases at addicts one of the most terrible and incurable which often lead to a lethal outcome.
5. Depression
The long depression strongly influences mentality and worsens the general condition of an organism. Any desire to eat, walk, communicate with friends vanishes. All this leaves, let not big, but a scar on health of the person.
6. Hatred and Rage
It too the worst enemies of our health. They gradually "spoil nerves". As the statistics shows, those who carried out the most part of the life in hatred, aggression and rage, I have much more chances "to go mad" under an old age. I.e. the chance "to make friends" with dotage increases.
7. Laziness
Lazy people not only that lie on a sofa and watch TV, but also that the computers sit for days on end and climb on the Internet in search of something "interesting". Usually this "interesting" won't affect in any way their life if only doesn't worsen it. Laziness – at all the progress engine as to us speak. It – a source of diseases and "an empty pocket".
8. Lie
The false person constantly is energized. He needs to watch all the time for by the own words not to let out where it isn't necessary. It is necessary to think out constantly news, excuses, the reasons, etc. All this as a result good won't lead to anything. It still as influences health, especially when for lies sooner or later beat out all teeth.
9. TV
The TV – a source not only the harmful radiation, but also harmful information. Often the television broadcasts advertizing which doesn't rise in any way near healthy lifestyle promotion. Since advertizing of beer and cigarettes, finishing negative news before going to bed. All this spoils not only health, but also lowers self-confidence, imparts fear since the earliest years. Never noticed how the small child literally "sticks" to the TV screen, especially at display of commercials?
10. Motionless way of life
This is the strongest enemy of modern youth. Not only that cigarettes, alcohol and power drinks slowly destroy us, the motionless way of life multiplies all this on 2 or on 3. Therefore not to have after 30-40 years cardiovascular diseases and similar nonsense, it is necessary to play periodically sports, or at least to do daily long walks in the fresh air.