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Lemon against a cancer

Lemon usually consider as an antimicrobic factor which is also effective against bacteria and mushrooms, and also internal parasites and worms.

But the lemon is also the product, capable to kill cancer cells. It is 10 000 times stronger than chemotherapy!

It is considered that it is very harmful to any kinds of a cancer.

This information is received as a result of more than 20 laboratory researches since 1970 and showed the following results:
- the lemon destroys malicious cages in 12 cancer educations, including a cancer of a breast, a prostate, a pancreas;
- the structure of a lemon tree showed the best results than the preparation Adriamycin which is usually used in chemotherapy by 10 000 times, slowing down growth of cancer cells;
- therapy with a lemon destroys only malicious cancer cells, without mentioning the healthy.

Remember! Don't self-medicate! And here for prevention - eat lemons are it is useful!


Category: Useful products | Added by: Chance23 (07.06.2014)
Views: 618 | Rating: 5.0/1

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