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Nose massage

The nose congestion, the complicated breath - acquaintances much problems which it is necessary to face not once in a year. Usually we don't pay to them attention until the nose doesn't cease to breathe at all.

Many use drops for a nose for some time to eliminate unpleasant feelings. However there is a number of the problems caused by pharmaceutical preparations:
- they have the side effects, and sometimes even cause dependence;
- drops can cost expensive;
- they always need to be had at itself. And if you leave them at home, it is necessary to buy a spare flakonchik.

Acupressure will take from you no more than 10-15 minutes, but thus will help easily and to get rid of a nose congestion quickly.

It is necessary to carry out acupressure at cold observing rules:
- hands have to be warm;
- impact on a point a small pillow of a finger shouldn't be rough and sharp;
- slow rotation clockwise and easy pressing also have to be continuous;
- at impact on a point there has to be a feeling of slight pain;
- massage is contraindicated at a temperature over 37,5 °;
- massage at cold is recommended to carry out 2-3 times a day at emergence of the first signs. - it is better to consolidate effect, having drunk a lot of warm liquid right after massage. It can be camomile, melissa, lime flowers decoctions or green tea.

How to carry out acupressure at cold?

1 . Start massing symmetric points which are in deepenings of wings of a nose. It needs to be made forefingers for 1-1,5 min.
2 . You pass to symmetric points which are under nostrils, in a junction of an upper lip and a nose.
3 . Further move to the most extreme point of a nose.
4 . At heavy feeling in the head that often accompanies catarrhal diseases, point massage between eyebrows, and also roundabouts of fingers on temples will help.

Or percussion method.

1 . Bend thumbs of hands and with stones knock on a nose bridge and on each side a nose, - it will be right there possible to feel simplification of breath.
2 . Percussion do sitting, having conveniently settled down, during 30 sec. alternately on 3 percussions of each party of a nose, and again 30 seconds on one short percussion of each of the parties, and then 30 seconds a little quicker, at the same time tapping with both parties of a nose.
3 . Then one hand to make some percussions of the nose bridge.

And so 2-3 sessions a day. At such lung and an available way of treatment, you soon will be able to refuse completely various drops which quite often give only short-term simplification, and thus also break function of a mucous membrane of a nose.
Not everyone wants to treat cold pharmaceutical drops.

Nose congestion - acquaintances much problems which it is necessary to face not once in a year. Usually we don't pay to them attention until the nose doesn't cease to breathe at all.


Category: Massage | Added by: Chance23 (07.06.2014)
Views: 599 | Rating: 5.0/1

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