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Exercises for breast muscles

1. Bar press, lying on a horizontal bench

The scheme of performance of a press of a bar lying:

To lay down on a back on a horizontal bench. Buttocks and shovels have to be densely pressed to a surface of a bench, to put feet on a floor all foot:
- to take a bar signature stamp the successful fellow from above more widely than shoulders;
- to make a breath and slowly to lower a bar to breast level, controlling movement;
- to squeeze out a bar and upon termination of movement to make an exhalation.

Press of a bar lying develops all big chest muscle, a small chest muscle, triceps, forward part of a deltoid muscle, gear and klyuvovidno-humeral muscles.

2. Bar press, lying on an inclined bench

Press of a bar lying on an inclined bench — this exercise loads clavicular department of a big chest muscle, forward parts of deltoid muscles; triceps, forward gear and small chest muscles.

Mechanics of performance of exercise a press of a bar lying on an inclined bench:

Exercise is carried out lying on a bench with a tilt angle from 45 ° to 60 ° (the tilt angle has to be less than 60 ° in order to avoid too big tension). To hold a signature stamp of a bar the successful fellow more widely than shoulders:
- to make a breath and to lower a bar to level of clavicles;
- to squeeze out a bar before full straightening of hands;
- upon termination of movement to make an exhalation.

3. Bar press the narrow successful fellow, lying on a bench

The bar press the narrow successful fellow — excellent exercise which well develops and traces a chest muscle and triceps.

Mechanics of performance of exercise a press of a bar lying the narrow successful fellow:

Exercise is carried out lying a back on a horizontal bench. Buttocks and shovels densely to press to a surface of a bench, to put feet on a floor all foot. To take a bar signature stamp the top successful fellow with distance between brushes from 10 to 40 centimeters in dependences on flexibility of your wrists:

- to make a breath and slowly to lower a bar to breast level, controlling movement;
- to squeeze out a bar and upon termination of movement to make an exhalation.

4. Bar press, lying on a bench with the return bias

Press of a bar lying on a bench with the return inclination — renders load of big pectoral muscles (first of all their lower parts), triceps, forward parts of deltoid muscles.
Press of a bar lying on a bench with the return inclination — perfectly forms the bottom undercut of pectoral muscles. Besides, when lowering a signature stamp of a bar to a neck the big chest muscle that promotes increase in its elasticity stretches.

Mechanics of performance of exercise a press of a bar lying on a bench with the return inclination:

Exercise is carried out in situation — lying the head down on a bench with a bias 20-40 °. To hold a signature stamp of a bar the successful fellow from above on width of shoulders or is slightly wider:
- to make a breath and to lower a bar to a contact of bottom edge of pectoral muscles;
- to squeeze out from itself a bar, having made an exhalation upon termination of movement.

5. Press-ups from a floor

Press-ups from a floor — this exercise at which reduction of forward gear muscles presses shovels to a thorax, uniting action of hands and a trunk.

Exercise is carried out in situation-faced down, resting straight arms against a floor, palms on width of shoulders or is slightly wider. Feet together or are slightly placed:
- to make a breath and to bend elbows, having approached a thorax to a floor, thus in lumbar department strongly not to curve a backbone;
- to be wrung out up before full straightening of hands;
- upon termination of movement to make an exhalation.

Options of localization of loading at change of provisions of a body:

- on the top part of a big chest muscle: feet are put on an eminence;
- on the lower part of a big chest muscle: at the raised trunk.

Options of localization of loading, at distance change between palms:

- on external part of a big chest muscle: at widely placed palms;
- on internal part of a big chest muscle: at narrowly placed palms.

6. Press-ups on bars
Press-ups on bars — irreplaceable exercise which perfectly stretches big pectoral muscles and increases elasticity of muscles of a humeral belt.

It isn't recommended to be used a beginner as performance demands considerable efforts and reliable, safe movements. For this purpose it is necessary to use the exercise machines, allowing to fulfill the corresponding equipment.
Performance of exercise of 10-20 times yields optimum result. For increase in volume and force of muscles skilled athletes suspend to a special belt the fixed dumbbells or disks from a bar.

Mechanics of performance of exercise of a press-up on bars:

Leaning on handles of parallel bars straight arms, a body in vertical situation, feet to a canopy:
- to make a breath and, having bent hands in elbows, to fall down;
- to be wrung out up and upon termination of movement to make an exhalation.

The more a trunk inclination forward, the pectoral muscles are more involved. To the contrary, the pryamy position of a trunk, the are more involved in triceps work.

Category: Physical culture and fitness | Added by: Chance23 (21.06.2014)
Views: 398 | Rating: 5.0/1

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