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Fast training of a stomach

Train quickly and effectively!  Performance of each of exercises lasts only 1 minute. 

1. Starting position: lay down on a back, feet exactly up; hands hold over the head, having squeezed in the lock. ONE: make a deep breath, and on an exhalation raise the head and a trunk, move apart feet and straighten hands forward. TWO: exhale and return to a starting position.

2. Starting position: sit down on a floor, bend and raise feet; hands for the head. ONE: having slightly deviated back, straighten the right foot and touch the right elbow the bent knee. TWO: turn in the center, then in other party.

3. Starting position: lay down on a back, hands along a body, palms down; feet are straightened up. ONE: strain a stomach and raise hips as it is possible above. Then slowly lower them down and to the right. TWO: again raise hips up, lower down and to the left

4. Starting position: lay down on a back, hands along a body, palms down; raise feet up and scrape. ONE: start rotating feet, raising hips as it is possible above and describing a wide range. TWO: slowly fall and repeat exercise to the opposite side.

5. Starting position: take a position for a press-up on elbows. ONE: slowly turn sideways, having straightened a hand up. TWO: return to a starting position and repeat on other side.


Category: Physical culture and fitness | Added by: Chance23 (05.07.2014)
Views: 563 | Rating: 5.0/1

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