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House program of trainings

The effective program of trainings which is calculated on 4-5 months.


1.  Pulling up on a crossbeam:  if your physical form allows, in front on a breast you hang up a backpack in which you put dumbbells or sand (as it heavy).  You do five approaches on 3-5 times, the successful fellow has to be as it is possible more widely.  2.  Press of dumbbells sitting or standing:  hands from a shoulder to an elbow have to adjoin densely to a body, only the lower part of a hand since an elbow works.  You do four sets on ten times.  3  .  Raising of dumbbells before itself:  three sets on ten times.  The same exercise can be done with one dumbbell.  4.  Raising of halfbent feet on a crossbeam:  you do this exercise in hanging 3 sets on so many time, how many you will be able. 


1.  Press-ups on bars with an additional weight:  with a weight you hang up a backpack on a back.  You do four sets on 5-7 times;  2.  Data of dumbbells over the head:  you do this exercise standing, four sets on 10 times;  3.  Press-ups from a floor:  you do 4 sets on so many time, how many you will be able.  The break between sets has to be 1-1,5 minutes;  4.  Knee-bends with dumbbells:  four sets till 15-30 times;  5.  Attacks with dumbbells:  four sets till 10-12 times. 


For the third day of trainings you do a break, you have a rest. 


1.  Pulling up on a crossbeam for the head:  you carry out three sets on 10 times;  2.  Press-ups on bars:  you carry out three sets till 15-20 times;  3.  Press-ups narrow successful fellow:  you carry out this exercise in four sets with a press-up to the full.  The break between sets has to be 1-1,5 minutes;  4.  Lifting of dumbbells on a biceps:  you do 4 sets till 10-12 times. 


For the fifth day of trainings you do a break, you have a rest. 

6 DAY 

1.  Exit force on a crossbeam:  you carry out five approaches on 10 times.  If you don't have enough forces or the crossbeam doesn't allow to execute fully this exercise, do these pullings up by the average successful fellow;  2.  Liftings on socks with dumbbells in hands:  you do five approaches till 20-40 times.  If it is enough physical forces, you can do this exercise with a backpack with a weight or carry out exercise on one foot.  3.  Lifting of feet to a crossbeam contact:  you do this exercise in four sets and to the full.  When performing this exercise of a foot there have to be straight lines. 


1. Press-ups from a floor: you put feet on a sofa. You do 10 approaches on 10 times. Thus, you carry out the first approach to the full. The break between sets has to be 1 minute; 2 . Pullings up on a crossbeam the return narrow successful fellow: you carry out 4 sets on 10 times; 3. Knee-bends with dumbbells: you do seven approaches till 10-20 times; Attention: The break between all specified exercises, except where time of a break is specified, makes three minutes.


Category: Physical culture and fitness | Added by: Chance23 (22.06.2014)
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