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To athletes on a note

Everything who keeps a figure and plays sports, it is necessary to know simple rules!

1. After training we eat SURELY! Fast protein in the form of boiled proteins of eggs or a protein at growing thin, for supporting weight - fast protein any fruit.

2. If you want to see a relief tummy - more protein, it is a lot of power and cardio, is less than fast carbohydrates (including fruit).

3. It isn't necessary to plow in a hall for 3 hours a day. Alternate day power, day of cardio, 1,5 hours in day at most.

4. You remember, 80% - food, 20% sports. Eating rolls of result won't be, but also keeping to a diet of the tightened body with beautifully traced muscles not to achieve.

5. Don't shirk training. It very quickly becomes a habit!


Category: Physical culture and fitness | Added by: Chance23 (12.07.2014)
Views: 566 | Rating: 0.0/0

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