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Cream from extensions with shilajit

1 . We take 80-100 grams of children's cream or any other cream.
2 . We dissolve in 2 - 4 grams of shilajit in a teaspoon of boiled water, the real shilajit will be dissolved completely.
3 . We mix with cream.
4 . We shift in a jar from cream which bought, or from the old ended cream.
5 . To rub in problem places once a day. To store in the refrigerator.

Cream copes with several problems at once:
- reduces the size of existing extensions;
- reduces intensity of their color;
- reduces a relief and depth of extensions;
- increases elasticity of an integument;
- enriches skin with necessary vitamins and minerals of a natural origin.
This cream can be used at chest feeding!

It is important to note that tableted shilajit is not shilajit! These are tablets on the basis of shilajit extract. When tabletting shilajit is exposed to chemical and thermal changes after which the main medical shilajit properties loses.
Also in the course of tabletting in it add various components thanks to which the raw materials gain necessary physical and mechanical properties. And these substances not only aren't useful, but also sometimes are unhealthy.
The real shilajit - integral, represents the viscous black weight similar to pitch, bitterish taste and with specific aroma in which smells of chocolate, bitumen, etc. are mixed.


Category: Self-made drugs | Added by: Chance23 (06.07.2014)
Views: 484 | Rating: 0.0/0

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