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Drink from herbs

Remarkable drink. Very useful. It relieves of the bad cages which are forming in an organism or contains their growth!

To accept within 3 months, health is instantly restored. It is similar to a miracle.

- one beet, two carrots and one apple is necessary to you.
-  to wash up, cut off a thin skin, to cut on pieces and to put in a juice extractor and at once to drink juice. 
- you can add a lime or a lemon for taste.

It is wonderful drink it is effective at the following diseases:

1. Prevention of development of cancer cells.
2. Prevention of diseases of a liver, kidneys, pancreas, and also will help to cure an ulcer.
3. It is useful to lungs, prevents diseases of heart and a high blood pressure.
4. Strengthening of immune system
5. Sight: helps at fatigue and dryness of eyes.
6. Eliminates muscular pains after heavy physical activity, trainings.
7. Removes toxins, improves intestines work. Skin becomes healthy and shining.
8. Eliminates an unpleasant smell from a mouth,
9. Will reduce menstrual pains.
10. It is useful to allergic persons.

It is very effective if you need to dump excess weight!

Please, rumple, it is necessary what to drink at once, directly from a juice extractor for the best effect.


Category: Self-made drugs | Added by: Chance23 (15.06.2014)
Views: 493 | Rating: 5.0/1

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