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Effective remedies against cough

It is possible to find the mass of means of which it is possible to make effective medicine against cough in house conditions.

1 . Cut a radish in small cubes, put in a heat resisting pan and sugar. Bake in an oven 2 hours. The formed weight wipe, wring out, juice pour in glass capacity. Accept on 2 teaspoons 3 — 4 times a day before food and for the night before going to bed.

Cut out in a black radish a core, pour in in dredging a little honey. In some hours the radish will start up juice. The formed juice drink 3 times a day:

adults — on 2 tablespoons,

children of 4 — 14 years — on 1 tablespoon.

For the night drink on 200 milliliters of warm milk, having dissolved in it 1 tablespoon of honey.

2 . Boiled and baked pears — fine cure for strong cough and asthma. Broth of dried pears satisfies thirst at high temperature. 1 glass of the crushed dried pears fill in 500 milliliters of water, you cook 20 minutes. Insist, having wrapped up, 4 hours. Filter. Drink on 100 milliliters 4 times a day in 30 minutes prior to food.

3 . For simplification of office of a phlegm drink cowberry juice with honey or cowberry syrup on 1 tablespoon several times during the day. At the same time drink instead of tea broth from leaves or dried fruits of strawberry.

4 . At dry cough you carry out inhalations. Crush and mix 1 tablespoon of leaves of an eucalyptus, 1 tablespoon of flowers of a calendula and 1 tablespoon of a root of a glycyrrhiza. 1 tablespoon of collecting fill in 200 milliliters of cool boiled water. Insist 5 — 10 minutes, then inhale steam. Children of the first years of life of inhalation can't do, they aren't recommended and at high temperature!

5 . To treatment of chronic cough apply compresses. Mix 1 tablespoon. torments, 1 tablespoon of dry mustard, 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of vodka. Warm up mix on a water bath, constantly stirring slowly. Turned-out "dough" put on a gauze bandage and put to a breast. From above cover with polyethylene, wrap up with a warm scarf. You hold before compress cooling.

6 . Crush 2 ripe bananas, fill in 200 milliliters of hot water, you boil 10 minutes. Filter, add medical. Drink in a warm look.

7 . 100 milliliters of fresh juice of a radish or carrots mix from 100 milliliters of milk or honey drink. Drink on 1 tablespoon of 6 times a day.

8 . Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of camphor. Impregnate with this mix woolen fabric and put to a breast.

9 . 10 fruits of dates fill in 500 milliliters of water and you cook 30 minutes. Filter, wring out. Drink hot at dry cough. It is possible to cook 6 — 7 dried dates in 200 milliliters of milk.

10 . 30 grams of raisin draw in cold boiled water of 45 minutes. Cast away on a colander. Raisin eat before going to bed, washing down with hot milk. Means helps even at strong cough.

11 . Such mix will relieve of children's cough. Grate on a small grater 1 apple, 1 bulb and 1 carrots approximately identical weight. Add 2 tablespoons of honey, well mix. Give to children on 1 teaspoon in a warm type of 4 — 5 times a day.

12 . Mix 2 tablespoons of grated apples, 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of grated onions. Accept in a warm look on 1 teaspoon of 4 — 7 times a day.

13 . Fine cough remedy — tea from a guelder-rose with honey.

Crush and mix 1 tablespoon of dried leaves of currant and 1 tablespoon of lime color. 1 tablespoon of collecting fill in 200 milliliters of boiled water. Insist 30 minutes. Drink in a warm look, as tea, 3 — 4 times a day.

14 . Will help to soften cough and to facilitate a phlegm exit such recipe. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of alcohol (or vodka), add 1 crude yolk. Accept mix on 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before food.

15 . Fiery milk for cough.

10 bulbs cut in cubes, crush 1 head of garlic. Fill in 500 milliliters of milk, you cook to a softening. Add in mix mint and lime medical. Insist 1 hour, filter. Drink, on 1 tablespoon several times a day.

Read also: sugar candies for cough for children


Category: Self-made drugs | Added by: Chance23 (14.06.2014)
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