Garlick oil is an old recipe of improving "potion" which possesses magnificent salutary impact on an organism. Garlick oil removes brain angiospasms, warm spasms, will remove short wind, is an excellent prophylactic of a sclerosis and remarkable means for expansion of vessels.
The recipe of the garlick oil prepared in house conditions:
- to knead 1 head of garlic of the average size in gruel.
- to shift gruel in glass container (to bank, a bottle with a wide neck) and to fill in with 1 glass of not refined sunflower oil.
- to put in the bottom office of the refrigerator.
- next day to take a lemon, slightly to rumple it in hands, then to cut off its top and to squeeze out 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
- to pour juice from a teaspoon in a dining room and to add there a teaspoon of garlick oil.
- to mix.
To apply 3 times a day in 30 minutes prior to food.
Improvement course - from 1 to 3 months.
For 1 month we arrange themselves a break, then again we repeat.