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– To mix gruel from 4 lemons (without seeds) and 3 heads of garlic, to fill in everything in 1 liter of boiled water, to insist days, to filter, to wring out the rest. To accept at rheumatism on 50 grams 3 times a day to food. – At rheumatism it is useful to do for the night compresses of gruel of a black radish. – 100 grams of the dry crushed roots of a dogrose to fill in 0,5 liters of vodka, to insist in a dark place of 3 weeks, periodically stirring up contents. To accept on 25–30 grams 3 times a day to food, washing down with water, at "spurs", outgrowths, deposits of salts in any place, rheumatism, polyarthritis. At the same time to rub tincture in sore points, to do compresses of tincture. – To rub sore joints with the fresh cut bulb or to do a compress of joints by gruel of fresh onions or garlic. At emergence of burning to stop procedure. – To fill in 5 tablespoons of the crushed flowers of a blue lilac with 0,5 liters of the cleared kerosene, to insist two weeks, periodically stirring up contents. To rub in sore joints for the night. – Glass is fresher than gruel of potatoes to mix about 2–3 tablespoons of the cleared kerosene, to put on dense fabric and to put as a compress on a sore point at exchange polyarthritis, adjournment of salts. From above to wrap up at first pergament paper, then a warm woolen material and to leave at 2 o'clock. Procedure can be done daily. – To mix on 400 grams of juice of garlic, roots of a horse-radish, roots and a tops of vegetable of a celery, juice from 5 lemons. To store in the refrigerator in densely closed ware. Before the use to stir up. To accept at infectious polyarthritis on a dessertspoon in the morning in 30 minutes prior to food. – To fill in a glass of the crushed internal partitions of fruits of walnuts with 0,5 liters of vodka, to insist in a dark place of 3 weeks, periodically stirring up contents, to filter. To accept at arthritis, polyarthritis, adjournment of salts on a tablespoon 2–3 times a day in 20 minutes prior to food. Course of treatment one month. Break of 2-3 weeks. – To fill in 2 tablespoons of the dry crushed branches of a dogrose with a glass of cool boiled water, to cook 5 minutes, to insist, having wrapped up, 20 minutes to filter through dense fabric. To accept at rheumatism on a glass 3 times a day in 20 minutes prior to food. – At treatment of rheumatism and other articulate and muscular pains dry extract of a barberry is exclusively effective. In the spring or to collect bark or young branches of a barberry in the fall, to crush them and to lay in the big enameled pan. To fill in with water so that to cover completely bark and branches, to boil 45–50 minutes. Then to pour out broth in pure ware and to allow to be defended. After that already without deposit repeatedly to pour out broth in a pan and on weak fire to boil before obtaining dense or dry weight. To accept extract in the portions size about peas or wheat grain 2–3 times per day. The same extract is useful at treatment of changes. – Red to fill in ripe berries of a mountain ash 1:1 on volume with slightly warmed-up honey. To insist in a dark cool place within a month, then to filter and to the received infusion to add as much spring or thawed snow. To accept at chronic rheumatism on 30 grams 3–4 times a day in 30 minutes prior to food. – The foot bathtub with a raising temperature will soften a pain syndrome and will remove stress caused by rheumatic pains. – At rheumatic muscle or joints pains black to mix 1,5 glasses of juice of a radish with a honey glass, to add a half-glass of vodka and a tablespoon of table salt, to mix mix and to rub 2–3 times per day in sore points. – To drink juice of turnip on a half-glass 3 times a day to food at stones in kidneys, diseases of joints rheumatic and not a rheumatic origin. – Red to mix 2 liters of juice of fruits of a mountain ash about 1,2 kilograms of sugar, to cook on weak fire, constantly stirring slowly with contents, to density of syrup. To store in a dark cold place. To accept at rheumatic pains, stones in kidneys and a bladder, at avitaminosis, as good laxative and a diuretic on 1–2 tablespoons 3 times a day to food. – To mix 2 parts of camphor oil with 1 part of juice of garlic. To rub the places struck with rheumatism, and also along a backbone at the general weakness. – To mix in equal parts on volume gruel from fresh flowers of a lilac and fresh unsalted butter. To use ointment for rubbing at rheumatism. – At radiculitis to do for the night compresses of gruel of a black radish, previously oiling skin vegetable to avoid burns. To hold a compress while the patience will suffice. Course of treatment of 4-6 times. – From 2–3 kilograms of walnuts to fill in internal partitions with vodka, slightly them having covered, to insist in a dark warm place of 2 weeks, stirring up contents, to filter. To accept tincture on a tablespoon 3 times a day. If pain disturbs again, to make still such tincture and to repeat treatment at "spurs". 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