Violations of cranial blood circulation (for example, are the reasons of a headache at migraine), increase of arterial pressure, surplus or stagnation of blood or, on the contrary, a brain anemia, accumulation in blood of products of an exchange at catarrhal and viral diseases.
Recipes of traditional medicine at a headache.
1. Mint
Mint peppery 1 part, is smothered 1 part, a willow-herb 1 part. 1 tablespoon of mix to make 500 ml of boiled water. To insist 30 minutes, to filter. To accept on 1/2 - to 1 glass at headaches.
2. Melissa
To fill in 1 tablespoon of a grass with a boiled water glass. To insist, having wrapped up 30 minutes, to filter. To accept on 1-2 tablespoons of 5-6 times a day. It is applied at dizzinesses, a headache, noise in ears, as means calming nervous system.
3. Origan
1 tablespoon to fill in 0,5 liters of boiled water. To insist, having wrapped up 30 minutes, to filter. To accept on 0,5-1 glass 2-3 times a day at headaches. It is contraindicated to pregnant women!
4. Menthol oil
At cold and cold with a headache to spread with menthol oil a forehead, whisky, behind ears, a nape. Well kills headaches at the beginning of a disease.
5. Tea green or black
To make good tea leaves of green or black tea, to add there a mint pinch. In 15-20 minutes headache. passes.
6. Propolis
20 grams of propolis part 100 ml of alcohol, accept on 40 drops with which impregnate bread and eat.
7. Guelder-rose
Fresh juice of a guelder-rose on 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
8. Blackcurrant
On 1/4 glasses of juice 3 times a day.
9. Cowberry
Fresh berries on 1/2-1 glasses at a headache.
10. Infusion of flowers of elder
To make 1 tablespoon of dry flowers a boiled water glass, to insist 20 minutes, to filter. To accept on 1/4 glasses (it is better with honey) 3-4 times a day in 15 minutes prior to food.