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Simple recipes from many diseases

The solution of problems with health by means of the simplest means.

1. Heat at cold and flu
0,5 liters of water with milk, sugar and 1 teaspoon of ground cardamom reduce temperature.

2. Headache
To mix 0,5 teaspoons of dry ginger and a little hot water before formation of paste. To put paste on a forehead. Probably small burning: it isn't terrible.

3. Back pains
Compress from ginger paste (the ground ginger 1 tablespoon divorced in 200-250 milliliter of warm water).

4. Sore throat
To rinse a glass infused in 200 milliliters of hot water of 1 tablespoon of a sage.

5. Eels and heat-spots
In 1 tablespoon of juice of an aloe to add 1/4 teaspoons of a turmeric. To accept in 2 times a day while skin doesn't become pure.

6. For fresh breath
Chew fennel seeds. Or (if the smell goes "from within") make in a glass of boiled water 1 teaspoon of mix of ground cardamom, ground cinnamon and ground laurel leaves (in an equal proportion), cool and drink.

7. Stretching of muscles
Take a hot bath about 0,5 glasses of ground ginger and 0,5 glasses of soda within 15 minutes. On a sore point twice a day impose a compress from warm paste (1 teaspoon of ginger + 1 teaspoon of a turmeric + a little hot water).

8. Hypostasis after bruises and injuries
On swelled-up site bring powder from 2 parts of a turmeric and 1 part of salt, bandage.

9. Bad dream and sleeplessness
To drink a glass of warm milk about 0,5 teaspoons of a nutmeg in the evening. 

10. Burns
Dissolve a turmeric pinch in juice scarlet, you put on a burn place more often.

11. Fever at cold and overcooling
You boil 0,5 teaspoons of ginger and 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon in 0,5 liters of water of 10 minutes. Drink 1 glass each 3 hours with a small amount of honey.

12. Flu
Tea from dry ginger. Milk with a turmeric - 3 times a day: it prevents complications after an illness and strengthens weakened liver.


Category: Self-made drugs | Added by: Chance23 (21.06.2014)
Views: 494 | Rating: 5.0/1

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