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The recipe to feel the quiet!

To excessively impressionable people at whom for excitement headaches begin, we give the recipe which will help to cope both with excitement, and with a headache. Emotions can be operated by means of infusion of herbs.

* Prepare collecting plants:  4 parts of cones of hop, 3 parts of leaves of mint of peppery, 3 parts of a grass of tutsan, 4 parts of the crushed root of a valerian, 3 parts of a camomile pharmaceutical. 

* All components of collecting well crush, mix. 1 tablespoon fill in with a boiled water glass, insist 30 minutes, filter. Accept on 1/2 glasses three times a day in 30 minutes prior to food.

Accept infusion short courses for 4-5 days, with breaks between them for 2 weeks. 

Gradually breaks do more and more long. You won't notice how you will cope with this state, you will stick to worry, and the head becomes clear.


Category: Self-made drugs | Added by: Chance23 (06.07.2014)
Views: 510 | Rating: 5.0/1

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