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As often at any simple indispositions we grab tablets and we run in a drugstore. Today we will try you to convince that treatment by thoughts not less effectively and especially more harmlessly! ; Headache treatment by thoughts Sit down in a comfortable chair and take in hand the photo made in the last summer. Let it will be a beautiful landscape. Peer at it, remembering all details, then close eyes and recreate seen, having entered itself in this image. Present that you lie at a surf edge, and running waves pinch your pain, carrying away it is far in the sea. Depression treatment by thoughts Imagine the small rocky island among the ocean, and - the high, soundly built beacon at its top. Beacon walls such thick and strong, what even strong winds can't shake it. You send the powerful ray of light specifying a way to the ships to good and bad weather. And now try to feel in itself a source of internal light which never dies away! Stress treatment by thoughts You are offended and you don't see an outcome in any situation? Imagine that you the writer, instead of an episode giving to you rest - only the page from life of the literary hero. Commit it to paper in the form of the small story from the first person. Reproduce all events in the smallest details and as it is possible more precisely restore dialogues. Describe your feelings. And then look at this history as on an unfortunate draft sketch. Copy it as you would like that it occurred. Try to understand motives of acts of negative characters, sympathize with them and forgive them to an oversight. Create new dialogues. Tell that you feel now. Think up the new final and an outcome which suits you, - and the depression as didn't happen! Growing thin by means of thought Find the most successful picture of your figure made 5-10 years ago. Close eyes and mentally present itself at the moment when the picture was taken, - same young, harmonous, beautiful and happy. Your subconsciousness will adopt this image and will force an organism to be arranged under it - to burn fatty cages and to smooth wrinkles on a face. There are no wrinkles by means of thoughts Try to extend by force of thought them from air and a sunlight and to implant in skin, and then feel how each its section reaches for a shining beam, rejuvenating and being tightened. To prevent cold by force of thought Mentally ascend to the mountain top covered with scintillating snow, and inhale a full breast clean frosty air. After a session of a psychological hardening to viruses not to overcome you!
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