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Treatment of kidneys by millet

Millet grain is capable "to clean" kidneys, to remove sand and small stones.  Broths from millet can be drunk and at cystitis. 

There are many various recipes, but there are most widespread.

1. At an urolithic illness

-  To wash out millet (1 glass) warm water and to pour out in two - or a 3-liter jar. 
-  To fill in with hot water and to allow to be drawn at the room temperature, having covered previously something warm. 
-  Next day in water there has to be a white suspension.  It is possible to drink liquid in any quantities. 
-  When it will end, millet again can be filled in with water and to allow to be drawn.  So to do, taste won't change yet.  Then it will be necessary to fill up other glass of millet. 
- This recipe promotes clarification of kidneys and removal from them of slime, small stones, sand.

2. At inflammatory processes in kidneys

-  To touch, wash out 1 glass of millet in cold water and to fill up in a 3-liter jar. 
-  To fill in millet with 2 glasses of boiled water and to shake up to bank within 3 minutes. 
- The whitish weight which can be drunk without restrictions has to be formed.

3. In case of the complicated urination

- It is good to wash out and fill in 1/2 glasses of millet with 1 liter of water.
-  To boil within 5-7 minutes. 
- To allow to be drawn a couple of hours and to drink without restrictions.

4.  The recipe for clarification of kidneys, decrease in arterial pressure

-  Slightly to cover kernels with water and to cover with a gauze. 
-  To wait some days while they won't arise.  Then to wash out and dry up. 
- To weld as usual porridge on water, but without sugar and salt.
-  Already to put a cranberry in ready porridge.  Such porridge is useful and it is simple for prevention. 

5. At cystitis

-  To wash out 2 tablespoons of millet and to fill in them with 2 glasses of boiled water. 
-  To bring broth to boiling, continuously stirring slowly. 
- To allow to be drawn 1 minute, then to filter.
- To accept during the first day on 1 tablespoon each hour. For the second day on 3 tablespoons each hour. From 3 to 7 day to accept to food on 1/2 glasses of broth 3 times a day.


Category: Self-made drugs | Added by: Chance23 (06.07.2014)
Views: 578 | Rating: 5.0/1

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