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Than the hibiscus tea is useful?

Hibiscus tea - flower tea which is made of hibiscus petals. The hibiscus on big plantations in Egypt, Sudan, India, China, Island Ceylon, Java, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Mexico is grown. Tea of a hibiscus possesses sweet sour taste and sated red color.

Than the hibiscus tea is useful

Tea of a hibiscus contains fruit acids, antioxidants, amino acids, digestible carbohydrates, a macro and microcages, vitamins. There is a pectin. These substances help distribution of toxins and heavy metals from intestines.

Tea of a hibiscus strengthens stacks of blood vessels and regulates their passability, normalizes pressure, reduces the content of cholesterol in blood, possesses antibacterial action, regulates work of a gastrointestinal way, a liver, well helps with various allergies, helps with toxic alcoholic poisonings. Kills some pathogenic microorganisms. Possesses diuretic properties, stimulates production of bile, protection of increases in a liver against negative impacts. Improves a metabolism, promotes an organism explanation, helps with catarrhal diseases, removes muscular spasms. Possesses calming-down properties, promotes the general strengthening of an organism.

It is useful to use also in food and petals of tea of the hibiscus absorbed in tea leaves, eventually in them contains from 7,5 to 9,5% of protein and 13 amino acids, among which 6 irreplaceable without which there can't be an organism.

How to prepare hibiscus tea

There are some ways of tea leaves of tea of a hibiscus:

To place a hibiscus in a product with boiling water and to boil about 3 minutes.
To place a hibiscus in a product with boiled water and to insist within 5-10 minutes.
To place a hibiscus in a product with cold water, to bring to boiling, to add sugar, to remove from fire, to draw and be cooled.

Usually for tea leaves of tea 1 teaspoon of a hibiscus on a water glass undertakes, but depending on separate preferences this quantity can change.

It is necessary to make hibiscus tea in glass, porcelain or pottery, but in general in metal, metal negatively influences taste and color of drink. Taste of drink depends in many respects on it as strong it does. Tea of a hibiscus uses in quality in hot, and cold, both with sugar, and without it.

Tea of a hibiscus possesses fine refreshing properties at the expense of the lemon acid containing in him who does it by irreplaceable drink in hot, stuffy weather.
For preparation of quite tasty drink it is better to use from all tea in which petals of a hibiscus are dried up completely, instead of are broken in powder.


Hibiscus tea - a product harmless to environment, it is recommended to people of all age, except for children who didn't reach one-year age.

Besides, despite all advantage of tea of a hibiscus, it isn't recommended to get used to the people having sharp gastritis, stomach ulcer and people with strengthening of chronic diseases of kidneys.


Category: Useful products | Added by: Chance23 (22.06.2014)
Views: 1150 | Rating: 5.0/1

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