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The most useful drinks

Than drink - that it more useful isn't simpler!

1 . Water: removes toxins, supports stomach work, positively influences a condition of vessels and joints.

2 . Garnet juice: normalizes work of heart and vessels, it is useful at a hypertension and anemia.

3 . Mint tea: stimulates allocation of gastric juice, calms, reduces pressure, helps to struggle with sleeplessness.

4 . Kefir: for anybody not a secret what exactly this product normalizes digestion.

5 . Apple juice: has useful impact on work of a liver, kidneys and a bladder.

6 . Cranberry fruit drink: thanks to the high content of vitamin C perfectly strengthens immunity, and is a good febrifuge.

7 . Camomile tea: possesses antibacterial effect, and also calms and relaxes nerves.



Category: Useful products | Added by: Chance23 (12.07.2014)
Views: 621 | Rating: 0.0/0

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