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Correct dream

Dream - obligatory part of our life. In a dream we are filled with vital energy and we have a rest therefore the healthy and full-fledged sleep is very important.

The best hours for a dream.

- Midnight - rest time for all nature to sleep during the period with 22 to 00 it is very useful. It is connected with that at this time the organism plunges into deep dreams, and mind has a rest in this interval.

- The dream from 00 to 2 nights fills vital energy in the person. In this interval of night of people can see either nightmares, or pleasure dreams (how day is lived).

- From 2 nights to 4 mornings the dream fills a body with energy of pleasure.

Lack of good rest leads to additional making up for rest in the afternoon at night that is expressed in apathy, laziness, drowsiness and simply day dream that is very unhealthy.

The wrong quantity of a dream and the wrong pose during a dream is the reason of problems of a digestive tract and other bodies. 

According to knowledge ancient it is necessary to sleep on one side.

-  The dream on the left side facilitates digestion and gives to the person energy, and the dream on the right side gives the chance to have a rest and relax properly.  Therefore if the person is uneasy and can't fall asleep in any way, it is better for it to lay down on the right side. 
-  If in the room it is cold, it is necessary to lay down on the left side, and then in a body natural heat will be supported. 
- It isn't recommended to sleep on a back.

Poses of a dream most "harmful" to health: on a stomach or on too high pillow.

Anybody can't gorge on neither physical, nor intellectual food less than in 2 hours before going to bed. Any physical, intellectual and digestive processes have to be complete to withdrawal to a dream

The person who sleeps-headed to the north, develops in himself desire to become god.  The one who sleeps to the south - develops aspiration to sensual pleasures. 

If the person sleeps-headed to the west, he develops in himself tendency to lie and bad intentions. It is recommended to sleep-headed in east direction that develops spiritual bents.

After awakening it is necessary to drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach. It promotes the best clarification of an organism from slags and to good digestion. And it is before going to bed recommended to drink a glass of warm milk with spices (cardamom or a turmeric). Milk promotes calm of mind and sound sleep.

Before going to bed it is necessary to forgive all and to ask forgiveness, differently bad contacts with people will interrupt a sleep. If you are disturbed by any thoughts, constantly wish all good luck until you will fall asleep.

Category: Useful habits | Added by: Chance23 (12.06.2014)
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