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Correct use of vodka

This strong drink can be not only harmful, but also useful to our health if to use it in the peace purposes! 

We will consider, what useful application we can find for vodka.

1. That without pain to remove an adhesive plaster from a wound, impregnate it with vodka. It will dissolve glue.

2. Using a piece of cotton wool, put vodka on a face as astringent; it will clean skin and will narrow pores.

3. Add vodka in a shampoo 1:1 bottle. Alcohol deletes toxins from hair and stimulates their growth.

4. Fill cellophane packages with the vodka divorced with water 1:1, freeze. Receive figurative reusable refrigerating elements – they will help out you during a trip on picnic or on giving. Also they can be used for removal of pains and bruises.

5. Fill to bank from under mayonnaise with fresh flowers of a lavender, fill in with vodka, twirl a cover and put on the sun for three days. Filter through a gauze and use tincture for compresses at bone and muscles pains.

6. Make own liquid for mouth rinsing, having stirred 9 tablespoons of ground cinnamon in a vodka glass. Filter. Stir with warm water and rinse a mouth. Don't swallow.

7. Vodka cools wounds and at a burn. It needs to be put at once after defeat by fire. If not to delay, it is possible to avoid emergence of blisters.

8. If the blister bursts, pour on it vodka, as local anesthetizing and for disinfection.

9. To get rid of dandruff, stir in a glass of vodka 2 teaspoons of ground rosemary. Let's be drawn 2 days, filter, mass solution head skin and let's dry

10. To get rid of an ear-ache, drip some drops of vodka in an ear. Wait some minutes, then get wet. Vodka will kill bacteria which cause an inflammation and an ear pain.

11. Vodka possesses febrifugal action, but only at external application. This property is caused by fast evaporation of alcohol from skin, thus and there is a cooling. At strong heat it is recommended to pound vodka a back and a breast of the patient. After it isn't necessary to cover its heat is will slow down evaporation process.

12. Vodka fights against an unpleasant smell from feet. The smell reason - the bacteria living about sweat glands. Rubbing off in the morning and evening of a foot vodka, you liquidate these bacteria, and there will be nobody "to make" an unpleasant smell.

13. Dunk cotton wool on a match into vodka and touch several times herpes on lips that it dried

14. Pour vodka on a burn from a poisonous ivy, it will help to dissolve toxic oils on skin.


Category: Useful habits | Added by: Chance23 (17.06.2014)
Views: 554 | Rating: 5.0/1

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