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Secrets of good mood

Remember simple rules and train never to despond!

1.  That you always had a good mood, learn to control itself.  Don't take offense on trifles, try not to quarrel with relatives to you people, forgive them.  Forgiving, you get rid of anger and vindictive feelings which destroy first of all you. 

2.  Try to look at the world with humour.  Even if you offended or you got to a difficult situation, all the same smile and tell yourself:  "And it too will pass!  ".  Incredibly, but at those who sincerely trusts, really, all bad leaves. 

3.  Don't stay at home, taking offense for the whole world!  I will eat my boots:  on the street, in the company of friends and acquaintances the mood bad doesn't happen.  It is proved! 

4.  Bring in the life novelty aspects.  Psychologists recommend to change from time to time long term habits — for example, to get a new hobby or to replace clothes style. 

5.  Learn to relax.  When you perform any tiresome work, think of something pleasant.  For example, about the forthcoming meeting with friends or darling. 

6.  Do swimming.  Water helps a body to have a rest and relax, raising a tone and mood.  Besides, possibility of accident or a trauma when swimming is minimum, unlike many other sports. 

7.  Stop, look back …  Sometimes people appear in a trap simply because don't find time to reflect, whether in the necessary direction they move.  It is necessary to bring in time an order to thoughts, the purposes, communications, the same as you regularly tide up indoors. 

8.  You treat life more simply.  In life always there is a place to a feat, however it is necessary not always.  Try to concentrate that you do at present. 

9. Keep feeling of prospect. Life is movement, and that is represented today the tragedy, probably, tomorrow will raise a smile. Not for nothing after all speak — morning of evening wiser.

10. Forget about troubles. If you want to lie in a bed and to regret itself, it is better not to follow the tastes of this desire. Move — and your emotions also become more mobile — the psychologist Merion Dilvort considers. — Watch the movie, tide up … You remember: you bear responsibility for the feelings and feelings.


Category: Useful habits | Added by: Chance23 (21.06.2014)
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