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Simple habits useful to health

It is quite natural that each person wants to be healthy. And since the childhood to us impart knowledge of what life needs to be led that to strengthen and preserve this health for many years. We firmly acquired rules of behavior and jagged good advice. It would seem — everything not so difficult. But, nevertheless, only units find forces for morning jog or at least elementary charging.

Meanwhile, only 5 useful habits could make you much more vigorously and more fine. Let's remind once again to itself of these simple, but very productive actions.

So, if you want to remain healthy and beautiful years so to 90, and it is better — to 100, take yourself for the rule:

1) Every morning to do exercises. It isn't obligatory to make an hour complex of procedures on all groups of muscles, but at least 5-10 minutes of pleasant warm-up under favourite music can give unexpectedly strong effect. If charging to you so in burden what to force itself to carry out it you not in forces — turn on the vigorous and vigorous music. The body itself will start "hopping". And it also is necessary for us. And if to daily charging you add also a couple of hours in a week of moderate physical activities — in general will be remarkable. It isn't important that — run round the nearby lake, shaping, the pool or a skating — the main thing that these occupations were regular.

2) Never overeat. Eat exactly so much, how many there is a wish, and a slice it is more. If you eat according to real inquiries of an organism, without effort you will manage to support optimum weight for yourself. And it is guarantee of longevity.

3) Make refusal of such benefits of a civilization, as the elevator, a remote control and a radio telephone. You go on ladders — and it will replace to you a step aerobics. Rise and approach to the TV each time when want to change the channel, and it becomes warm-up for your body, and an eyes will save from continuous flashing on the screen. You don't carry a receiver for yourself on all apartment — better once again walk to phone.

4) One more useful habit — always to hold a back exactly. When a backbone equal — all bodies work at full capacity. And at "distortion" something surely is clamped and loses a rhythm. Therefore try that and during walking and when you sit, the back remained a straight line.

5) Smile more often! Only it is necessary to do it by all means sincerely, with all the heart. Staying in good mood, you adjust an organism on a positive, giving it installation to struggle with diseases and to work at full capacity. People happy and happy with life are ill less — it is the scientific fact. Therefore you don't stint smiles.

Good luck!

Read also: habits of which it is necessary to get rid.


Category: Useful habits | Added by: Chance23 (06.06.2014)
Views: 588 | Rating: 5.0/1

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