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To go to a bath - it is useful!

The bath not only clears our body, but also promotes improvement of our health, helps to cope with diseases. The bath influences an organism water, heat, steam and massage. And what best of all massages a body and brings to it more heat? Well certainly broom! If you don't use a broom, you lose a half of advantage of a bath. When you whip yourselves a broom, you massage a body and you drive to it hot air, there is a water-salt exchange, gymnastics of skin and vessels, training of all system of blood circulation and heart. For a bath different brooms are used and everyone possesses certain medical properties, here about advantage of brooms for a bath we now and we will talk!

- Most often in a ban take a steam bath a birch broom. Leaves of a birch contain tannins, vitamin C, essential oils and some other useful substances. Use of a birch broom has calming and anti-inflammatory effect, helps healing of wounds, kills joint and muscles pains, expands bronchial tubes and reduces an inflammation in them, promotes a phlegm conclusion from lungs.

- If to speak about advantage of brooms for a bath, that useful - coniferous brooms. They contain substances which kill microbes in air and warn sharp respiratory diseases. The coniferous broom will help at neuralgia and radiculitises, at diseases of bronchial tubes and lungs. Brooms from a cedar and a fir are especially useful at cold, at diseases of kidneys and a bladder, rheumatic polyarthritis. Before to begin takes a steam bath a coniferous broom, it is necessary to take it 15-20 minutes in boiled water, to sit in a steam room five-seven minutes.

- Broom from a nettle - excellent means for treatment of rheumatism, gout, radiculitis, and also it reduces arterial pressure, removes a nervous stress. Before application it is necessary to shift a broom from a nettle two-three times from hot water in cold, having taken in everyone for two-three minutes not to get skin burn.

- The eucalyptus broom is rich with the content of essential oils and will help at sore throat, cold.

- Alder broom apply at muscle pains, an ache in joints and cold.

- The strongest and it it is possible to use an oak broom two-three times. It calms, interferes with excessive increase of arterial pressure in a steam room, influences skin, doing it elastic.

- The broom from a guelder-rose will help at diathesis, a skin itch. It is possible to use not all broom from a guelder-rose, and to add some branches of a guelder-rose in a birch broom.

- The broom from a linden is useful at cold: kills a headache, heat, expands bronchial tubes, promotes phlegm office. It also heals wounds, has calming effect.

Category: Useful habits | Added by: Chance23 (07.06.2014)
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