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Useful properties of a chrysanthemum

Petals of a chrysanthemum are long since used at cold, a headache, inflammatory diseases of skin.

The vegetable chrysanthemum is appreciated the high content of beta carotene, salts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Leaves and its flowers are rich with proteins, carbohydrates, fats, group B, PP vitamins, ascorbic acid. It as prevention of oncological diseases.

But the main value of petals - essential oil which at the internal use strengthens immunity and well influences nervous system. 

* Tea for immunity.
To make 1 teaspoon of small cut petals a boiled water glass, to add sugar or honey and some crushed berries of grapes to taste.

At diseases of kidneys it is recommended to drink such tea as a prophylactic, it possesses diuretic effect.

* At cold.
On 1/2 teaspoon of petals of a chrysanthemum and dry lime to fill in with 1 glass of boiled water. Such tea well clears an organism, has diuretic and sudorific effect.

* Curative salad from the petals of the chrysanthemum which have been small cut apples, pears and tangerine segments.
To mix with a small amount of the sweetened water (50 grams of sugar on 1 liter of water).  There is also other option of gas station:  flower honey with lemon juice. 

* Herpes.
1 teaspoon of the crushed flowers of a chrysanthemum fill in with 1 glass of boiled water, insist 40 minutes. Accept on 1/4 glasses 3-4 times a day.

* Periodontosis.
For prevention and treatment to rinse a mouth infusion of leaves of a chrysanthemum. 

* chrysanthemum flowers Wine. 
Improves sight, brain blood circulation, slows down aging processes (contraindicated to hypertensive persons).

To fill in 60 grams of white or yellow flowers with 600 milliliters of white wine, to add 90 grams of sugar.

Densely to close and insist in a cold dry dark place within 12 months. Then filter, flowers throw out, wine is matured by 12 more months.

Medicinal wines - strong means therefore they should be drunk carefully: the daily norm shouldn't exceed 90 milliliters. To accept regular no more than 3 months then to make a monthly break before resuming treatment.

Medicinal wines are contraindicated to pregnant women, people with bad digestion, heart failure.


Category: Useful products | Added by: Chance23 (14.06.2014)
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