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Useful properties of a mountain ash

Mountain ash - the real storage of useful substances!

Look at composition of juice of a red mountain ash, - that here only isn't present!  Carotene in a significant amount, vitamin C, vitamins E, K and P, essential oil, the apple and lemon acids, specific parasorbic and sorbic acids, alcohols, antibacterial substances, a phytoestrogen.  Fruits of a mountain ash contain a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and some other macro and microcells. 

That advantage of all this wealth which is concealing in small bright berries, picked in beautiful clusters, was more, it is better to use a mountain ash and for external (masks, lotions, tonics) and for internal (vitamin drinks, kissels, jam) consumption. Only consider, the mountain ash gains the most valuable properties after autumn frosts … that's when it is necessary to collect it, of course, not along automobile highways, and not in the yards of megalopolises and industrial centers.


The fresh mountain ash juice which has been wrung out from ripened berries, perfectly is suitable for care of any type of skin. They can wipe the person to refresh and tone up skin. Also the cosmetic ice frozen from juice of a mountain ash well is suitable for this purpose.

* Mountain ash ice
Ripe berries of a mountain ash mash or pass through a meat grinder, wring out juice, dissolve it with boiled water (1:1), pour in forms and put in a deep freeze. Curative ice from mountain ash juice tones up skin, pulls together a time.

* the Rejuvenating Mountain Ash + Honey mask 
Tremendous toning and rejuvenating effect the elementary mask from mountain ash berries possesses. 2 tablespoons of berries of a ripe mountain ash knead before formation of juice. Gruel from the mashed berries of a mountain ash mix with a honey tablespoon, add a little hot water and put a mask on face skin, in 10-15 minutes wash away cool water. This mask well tones up and tightens flabby, growing old face skin.

Similar action the following mask possesses also...

* the Mountain ash mask for withering skin
Mix and carefully pound:  1 teaspoon of mountain ash juice, honey teaspoon, teaspoon of olive oil.  Add an egg yolk and shake up mix.  The received weight put on well cleared face skin and necks for 15-20 minutes.  Wash away a mask broth of parsley and rinse the person with cool water. 

* the Vitamin moistening Mountain Ash + Carrots mask 
Gruel from ripe berries of a mountain ash mix with equal quantity of grated carrots. If skin dry it is possible to add a tablespoon of any vegetable oil in mix. Put a mask on the cleared skin of minutes on 15, and then wash away warm water.

* the Bleaching Mountain Ash + Kefir + Parsley mask 
To mix 2 tablespoons of kefir (it is better to take 2-3-day prescription) with a tablespoon of the mashed berries of a mountain ash, add the same amount of juice of parsley or a lemon. The mask is put on the cleaned face for 15-20 minutes, then washed away by warm water. Perfectly is suitable for bleaching of fat skin and complexion improvement.

* Lotion from a mountain ash
Perfectly is suitable for the fat and mixed face skin. For preparation take 2 tablespoons of berries of a mountain ash, and carefully them knead that juice was formed. Place the received gruel in any glass capacity. Carefully pour in 1 glass of boiled water, add 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of dry white wine and 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar. Well all mix, densely close capacity, and leave for 1 days.

* the Mask for skin color improvement "A mountain ash + honey + milk" 
This mask will add a little healthy flush to pale and dim skin. The frozen berries of a mountain ash — 1 table will be necessary for you. spoon which need to be scalded boiled water. Add to berries 1 table. spoon boundary and 3rd table. spoons of warm milk. Properly everything pound and put the received mix on a face. In 15 minutes wash warm water, and then rinse a face cold water.

From within...

Considering rich structure, fruits of a mountain ash red it is possible and it is necessary to use as vitamin, all-strengthening means, for improvement and acceleration of exchange processes, restoration processes.

In traditional and official medicine juice of a mountain ash and broth from its fruits finds application at various inflammatory processes as anti-inflammatory, strengthening vessels, antiedematous, antibacterial, regulating structure of microflora of intestines of means. 

Important component of berries of a mountain ash are pectins which interfere with excess fermentation of carbohydrates, thereby, reducing gas generation in intestines. 

Very valuable component of fruits of a mountain ash is parasorbic acid which along with sorbic acid, belongs to specific antibiotics and as, it appeared, limits active reproduction of some viruses, slows down growth of microorganisms, mushrooms and a mold.

With the improving purpose from mountain ash berries in a cold season it is accepted to prepare infusions and broths. The technology isn't difficult:

* Infusion of fruits of a mountain ash 
To fill in 2 teaspoons of fruits with 2 glasses of boiled water, to insist 1 hour, to add sugar to taste. To drink for 3-4 receptions during the day. Infusion of fruits of a mountain ash is used as vitamin cure for exhaustion and an anemia.

And from a mountain ash it is possible to prepare jam – a delicacy tasty and useful.  It isn't so difficult to make it.  The washed-out berries lower in boiled water for some minutes, fill in with boiling syrup and leave for the night.  Cook longer jam in the morning, that is several times you bring to boiling and put aside.  When syrup becomes rather dense – jam is ready.  On kilogram of berries 1,7 kilograms of sugar, 2 glasses of water are necessary. 

Addition of berries of a mountain ash in this or that quality to a daily diet, undoubtedly, will enrich an organism so necessary for it during the winter period with minerals, microcells, vitamins, will allow to keep and raise health level, will improve appearance.



Category: Useful products | Added by: Chance23 (22.06.2014)
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