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Useful properties of cinnamon

4 useful properties of cinnamon about which it is worth knowing

1. Cinnamon can quite be stored in the home first-aid kit, instead of on a shelf with spices. The crushed bark is useful not only at the use inside, not less strong curative action the aroma possesses, two thirds as a part of cinnamon are an essential oil. Cellulose, microcells is a part (magnesium, iron, calcium), antioxidants also.

2. Cinnamon – a unique natural antibiotic.
She fights against many pathogenic microorganisms:
with a bacterium of Helicobacter pylori which causes ulcer defeats of a mucous membrane of digestive bodies, with harmful barmy fungi, with an intestinal stick.
Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobic and anti-parasitic properties of cinnamon allow to apply this spice to treatment of many inflammatory processes in an organism: at arthritises, ulcers.

3. Advantage of cinnamon for mind.
Improves a condition of nervous system, favorably affects brain work, promotes memory improvement. And it is optional to use cinnamon in food, it is possible to inhale its aroma.

4. Reduces level of sugar in blood and normalizes a fatty exchange. Cinnamon can become sugar substitute as possesses natural sweet taste.


Category: Useful products | Added by: Chance23 (11.07.2014)
Views: 615 | Rating: 5.0/1

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