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Useful properties of date

Dates contain 60 - 65% of carbohydrates - the highest percent in comparison with other fruit, also is present copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, aluminum, cadmium, cobalt, sulfur, pine forest, a protein, oil; 23 types of various amino acids which are absent in the majority of other fruit.

Vitamins A, A1, C, B1, B2, B6 which promote comprehensibility of carbohydrates, regulate level of glucose in blood and the content of fatty acids.

Pectin, food fibers which reduce risk of some cancer diseases. The fluorine protecting teeth from caries. The selenium reducing risk of cancer diseases, strengthening immune system and reducing risk of heart diseases.

As well as the majority of vegetable food, dates don't contain cholesterol.

Because dates are low-calorie and contain a huge number of useful substances, them recommend to use instead of sweets for all who adheres to a diet, or tries to support simply the weight in norm.

They were widely used for fight against various oncological diseases, tuberculosis, tumors, infectious and other diseases.

It is considered that dried dates favorably influence a brain, increasing its productivity by 20% and more.

Since age-old times dates were known for the curative properties. Was considered that fruits of date palm trees give strength, endurance, increase life expectancy, strengthen a man's sexual potentiality. They strengthen heart, a liver and kidneys, promote development in intestines of useful bacteria, support acid balance of an organism and feed blood, promote development of the root terminations of a brain, increase ability of an organism to resist to various infections, including virus. Dates are useful also at anemia and a hypertension, to a breast and lungs, calm cough and promote a conclusion of phlegms, are extremely useful to brain activity. The food fibers containing in dates, reduce risk of cancer diseases.

Because of the high content of potassium doctors recommend to use dates at cardiovascular diseases. At heart failure dates stimulate action of the heart, serve as toning and strengthening means, restore forces after a long illness. Dates help at paralysis of a facial nerve, at overfatigue and physical fatigue, at diabetes. Broth of dates with rice helps at dystrophy. Dates are especially useful to women at pregnancy, at the time of delivery and when feeding the child. They facilitate childbirth, promote the beginning of development by a female organism of milk

Fruit very nutritious, perfectly satisfies hunger and sates an organism with useful substances. Ten dates are capable to satisfy daily need of the person for copper, magnesium and sulfur, and also they contain a half of necessary iron and the fourth part of calcium. In dates about sixty percent of sugar that much more exceeds its quantity in other fruit. What is important is generally fructose and glucose which are completely safe for an organism and do dates it is similar to honey.

On the nutritious, dietary and medical properties dates are equated to cereals. They are useful to adults, children, pregnant women. Fresh dates add in many dishes – fruit salads, rich rolls, house cookies, pies and pies. From dates develop date honey, sugar, alcoholic date juice, from a tree core – a palm flour. Fresh dates well remain in the refrigerator. Date sugar is much more useful to an organism, than reed or beet. If to put dried dates for a while in hot milk, their taste improves, and with a stuffing from oil, nuts, almonds or dense cream the content of proteins and the protein, necessary for a human body raises.

Arabs do paste which can be stored all the year round of dates. Fruits of dates also for preparation of compotes, muesli, kissel and all confectionery are used, are a magnificent dessert. They can be turned into a flour, to receive a honey sort. After fermentation from them receive pleasant drink. It is necessary to tell that dates at all don't contain cholesterol. Dates are very useful to digestion, they make clearing impact on digestive system.
As dried and dried dates have a sticky surface, and on them pollutants and bacteria can get, it isn't necessary to hold long them in the open air, and before the use it is necessary to wash.


Category: Useful products | Added by: Chance23 (14.06.2014)
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