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Useful properties of fat

Doctors and nutritionists are solidary in opinion that useful properties of fat are really boundless. It – the most valuable source of animal fats without which functioning of a human body is impossible. Only pork fat contains substances ensuring functioning of cellular membranes and muscular cells of heart. Exactly thanks to such acids there is in an organism a cholesteric exchange – pork fat helps to create useful cholesterol.

By means of this product liver and heart vessels are revitalized. Also nutritionists recommend to use it for prevention of diseases of a liver. Besides, this product renders useful effect on a conclusion from a bile organism. It extensively apply in toxicology. Pork fat can connect radionuclides and bring toxins out of bodies and fabrics.

Fat is applied and as external cure for arthrosis and arthritis of any type, for mastitis, a thermal burn, at frostbite and superficial wounds. Pork nutryany fat – unsurpassed means for rubbing during colds and bronchitis. Besides, this product is useful to those who suffers from a lack of an organism of selenium which in is present at enough in it. In selenium heavy smokers can feel a special need.

Fat extremely conveniently by that isn't exposed to damage, and can long be stored in the refrigerator. Thus it is the real energy drink. Having eaten couple of slices even on a hungry stomach, you will at once note emergence of satiety. Even some diets for growing thin as it is strange, are based on the moderate use of this product. It will rescue and during long feasts as minimizes impact on an alcohol organism. The person who to them has a snack, never quickly will get drunk, and won't suffer then from a heavy hangover. Pork fat simply envelops a stomach that doesn't allow alcohol to be acquired quickly and strongly to do much harm.
This product and in cosmetology is applied. Its useful properties provide rejuvenescence, skin improvement. This natural cosmetic which is effectively delivering in hypodermics all range of useful substances.


Category: Useful products | Added by: Chance23 (14.06.2014)
Views: 503 | Rating: 5.0/1

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