Many vegetables possess unique opportunities for cleaning of our organism from any unnecessary components. We will consider a rating of vegetable "cleaners".
This is chief "cleaner" of an organism. First, it contains cellulose, phosphorus, copper, vitamin C and a number of organic acids which improve "movement" of food and destroys "bad" putrefactive bacteria in intestines. Secondly, the substance is its part "betaine" which to force a liver better to get rid of toxins. And, thirdly, beet promotes organism rejuvenation at the expense of folic acid (more new cages are created) and quartz (the condition of skin, a hair and nails improves).
How to use: boiled, in soup, in salad, in the form of broth or juice.
It contains a large amount of food fibers which help "to connect" heavy metals and toxins, and then to bring them out of intestines. Besides, it is rich with organic acids which improve digestion and normalize microflora of digestive organs. But there is more to come. The cabbage contains very rare vitamin U. It "neutralizes" dangerous chemicals, participates in synthesis of vitamins and even heals ulcers.
How to use: fresh, fermented, in the form of juice.
In one garlic glove contains more 400 useful components. They reduce level of "bad" cholesterol in blood and clean vessels, are prevention of a cancer of a brain, destroy a diphtheritic, tubercular stick and helicobacter (the stomach ulcer reason), "remove" worms, etc.
How to use: fresh, in a ground look.
Luk for some seconds is capable to kill many bacteria and fungi. Besides, onions improve digestion, digestion of nutrients and even appetite. And a large amount of sulfur allows to neutralize and delete effectively "all harmful".
How to use: fresh, in salad, in the form of spirit tincture and a cosmetic mask (from spots and eels).
Thanks to pectin and cellulose, apples normalize work of all digestive system – "connect" slags and toxins, improve appetite, stimulate production of gastric juice, relieve of locks, etc. Besides, apples kill causative agents of dysentery, a protea, flu A viruses.
How to use: fresh with a skin, in the form of juice and grated "gruel", in the form of broth.
Unfortunately, properties of this "southern" fruit aren't known almost to general public. Though … Avocado contains substances which are blocked by about 40 various carcinogens, "unloading" a liver. Besides, it normalizes level of cholesterol in blood, improves digestion, supplies fabrics with oxygen, etc.
How to use: fresh, in the dried look or "oils".
It, perhaps, one of the most powerful "natural" antibiotics and antiviral means which is cleared effectively by a bladder and urinary ways of harmful bacteria. Not less important and that the cranberry "fights" against education and development of cancer cells, and also with the advent of blood clots and plaques in vessels.
How to use: is fresher, in the form of a fruit drink and juice, in the form of jam.